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(Josh's P.O.V)

Y/N hopped those roofs like they were nothing.
She said she didn't want me to catch a cold, but honestly I think it was too late for that.
We finally got back to the bus and the back lights flipped on.
"Shit" Y/N muttered under her breath. We got caught.
Tyler was sitting in the back lounge waiting for us.
"Oh uh hey Tyler.. Why- Why are you still awake?" I asked nervously.
"What's this?" He showed me his phone it held a photo of Y/N and I rooftop hopping. We were mid jump, our brightly coloured hair reflected in the moonlight.
It was all over the internet. Some fans must have recognized us.

I shrugged towards Tyler and pushed Y/N out of the room.
"You could've gotten hurt" Tyler's voice was low.
"But we didn't" I bargained.
He just shook his head, like a disappointed mother.
"I'm sorry" I put my head down.
"You should be! What if she fell? What if you fell, Josh?" He was frustrated
"I know, I know." I said slowly
"Go change and go to bed, you're gonna get a cold. You're lucky we're not preforming tomorrow!" He stood up and went to his bunk.
"Are they back?" I heard Jenna whispered "yeah" he whispered back.
"Are they okay?" She asked
Tyler sighed "yeah."

Y/N had changed and gotten into the bunk. So I did the same. Before I opened the curtain of our bunk a small sneeze came from with in it. I shook my head but then I sneezed too. I got in the bunk to see Y/N shaking her head.
"I'm sorry." She whispered
"Why are you sorry? I should be the sorry one. It's my fault were sneezing." I looked down.
She pulled me into a hug. "It's okay, I'll take care of you." She whispered
And we soon fell into a deep sleep.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

I woke up and Jenna was sitting in the back lounge. It was 8 AM, I walked into the lounge but fell as the bus moved. "Hi." I said groggily
"Hey." She smiled.
"You look beat." I looked over at her.
"I didn't know where you and Josh went Ty and I stayed up most of the night waiting for you."
"Oh Jenna, I'm so so sorry, I didn't know Josh was going to do that anyway. You didn't have to do that.. You should get back to bed."
Jenna sat and pondered for a minute until getting up and giving me a hug. "Don't scare me like that again." She said. I nodded and she went back into the bunk with Tyler.

I was never really a coffee person so I made some tea. I started sniffling. And I sighed as I flopped back onto the couch. We were definitely sick, but it was worth it.

Soon enough as I was pouring my tea I heard Foot steps from behind me. Then I heard a small sniffle.
I turned and looked to see Josh wrapped in a blanket with an adorable sleepy face on. "I'm sorry I got us sick." He said in his raspy morning voice, sticking out his bottom lip.
"It's okay baby." I hugged him.
"Do you want some tea?" I turned back around and skillfully poured the hot water into the cup on the moving bus.
"Yes please." He squeaked.
"Green?" I asked. He nodded.

I made us the tea and we went and sat in the dark back lounge. Josh still had the blanket wrapped around his head. He took it off and threw it over us. I sneezed and Josh laughed.

He saw a small tissue box in the corner of the room. He attempted to use the force to bring it to him. I thought maybe as amazing a being as he already was, he could do it. But reality snapped back and I got up to get the box. I put it in his outstretched hand. "My powers grow stronger everyday." He held up the box in glory. "You're lame." I nudged him, getting back under the covers.
"You question my powers young Jedi?"
He raised his eyebrows but turned away to cover a sneeze. I laughed aloud.
"Laughing? How funny was it when you lost out last battle?" He smirked, I recalled the 'Star Wars' like scene we were in at the empty venue before the show.
I remembered how random it was,
how funny they were...
how sexy Josh was...
"Don't get cocky there, Darth-Jishwa." I warned him.
"I could've totally whooped your ass if you weren't so goddamn attractive." I gently shoved him.
"I was thinking the exact. Same. Thing."
He spoke slowly looking me up and down.
I glared at him. I moved over a seat. He closed the space.
So I moved again. He followed.
I finally backed into the corner of the couch and he closed that space as well.
He put his arm around me and pulled me in for a kiss. After we broke the kiss he whispered "mine"
I blushed wildly and looked down.

He got up and flipped through the movies they had brought. He started singing the 'Indiana Jones' theme song as he put a CD into the machine. I could only guess what he put in. The first Indiana Jones movie began playing.

Before he sat down He threw me a hoodie and put one on himself.
I pulled on Josh's oversized Thrasher hoodie and snuggled up to him under the covers on the pull out couch. I looked up at him to see his eyes lit up, enhanced by the screen, his eyes darting around it as the movie progressed. I watched him some more, he smiled at the movie and sniffled a bit. I took a long breath and looked back at the TV.

This was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
Even though we were sick. I wouldn't want it any other way.

falling asleep on a stranger (josh dun)Where stories live. Discover now