Pipers 15th Birthday!!!

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James has a new status- pipers birthday
James: who's coming?
Amy: I'll come,
Sloane: Definitely coming
Cassie: I'm coming
Riley: count me in
Henry: sure
Richelle: sure!
Alfie: I'm coming
Latroy: sure I'll come
Noah: I'll come
Skylar: for sure I'll come
Michelle: I'll come
Amanda: me too
James: what's everyone getting her:
Sloane: a dance phone case
Cassie: a ITunes voucher
James: that's sorted! Pipers surprise party is a go!
Piper: my surprise what now?
Riley: Jaaames you idiot, you add piper on the Surprise...
Amy: Aaa yes it's nothing
*blocks piper from the chat*

A/N: I said Amy gets her a captain America dance bag because Alex Chaves celebrity crush is Crush is Chris Evans, He plays captain America.
Hope you liked this!
Amy xoxo

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