Part 4: Offenderman

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I heard Slenderman yelling. Bolting off the couch, I ran to his room. Splendorman kept up pace behind me. Throwing the door open, I saw Trenderman in his CreepyPasta form pinned to the wall by Slenderman. Huh?! Trenderman is still CreepyPasta?!

"Why are we this way and you are normal?!" Slenderman yelled at the top of his lungs, but his voice wasn't the same.

Trenderman started laughing and looked at Splendorman and I. "Until you three learn to control yourselves, your stuck this way."

Then he vanished. Splendorman latched onto me in fright. I didn't care at the moment. Normally it would annoy me, but right now I was confused. Slenderman looked at me. I looked at Splendorman. Us two (Slenderman and I) we needed to learn self control, but Splendorman? What has this ball of fluff ever done out of control? He couldn't even harm a cat. Why punish him?

"Splendorman, come see." Slenderman beckoned to him. Splendorman unlatched from me and went hug Slenderman. "You have done nothing wrong. Remember that."

I growled and punched the wall, breaking a hole into the structure. I knew that scumbag brother of mine would do something like this! I will kill him! Leaving the room, I went seek him out. How dare he do this to Splendorman! That sap has done nothing wrong! Why punish him?! My anger built at every step. Trenderman was going to die!!

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