Part One: Train Ride to Hogwarts

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Draco's Pov:

I step onto the train, scared, but trying to hide it. I'm a Malfoy, and I have to carry on my
family name. As I pick my compartment, an empty one, I look out the window and wave
goodbye to my parents.

Someone enters my compartment. "Dobby? The fuck are you doing here?"

"Sorry master! Dobby has been told to warn you that Harry Potter is on this very train! Master Draco must be very careful!"

I glare at Dobby until he gets out. God, what an embarrassment he is. I look into the compartment across from me. Inside of it is a Ginger haired boy. He looks up at me, and gives me a dirty look. I fart because of embarrassment. His eyebrows shoot up and he closes his compartment door.

I close my eyes, and exhale. Great. I've already embarrassed myself only ten minutes into the train ride.

"Sorry, do you mind if I sit here? All the other compartments are taken."

I look over and see a boy with brown hair asking the ginger if he can share his compartment. He looks around, and I can see blue eyes, and.. what's that? A scar! Bloody hell it's Harry Potter!

"The fuck are you? You smell like a donkey, have buck teeth, and not to mention, your eyes are th ugliest shade of brown I've ever seen! Hell no you can't sit in this compartment!" Yells the ginger.

Harry flips him off, and turns to me. He asks me the same question, and I graciously let him in. He looks at me and bites his lip.

"Erm so........ what's your name?" He asks me.

"Oh! Um my name's Draco Malfoy. Pleasure to meet you Harry Potter."

I stick out my hand and we shake. As soon as I touch his hand the trolley witch appears.

"Anything from the cart my dears?"

"Yes, may we have two macaroni cups and chicken nuggers?" Asks Harry.

"Coming right up dear!"

I'm frozen in fear. I'm scared to death of macaroni and chicken nuggers. But I know I must act cool, because I'm sitting next to Harry Potter. I look into his eyes, and he smirks. A slow devilish grin comes onto his face. It's scary.

The trolley witch hands us our chikin nuggers and macaroni. Harry thanks her, and she leaves. I'm paralyzed, just staring at the food. I'm scared. I'm horrified. I want to scream for help. Harry smiles slowly at me.

"There there Draco. It will all be ok. Just eat the macaroni and chikin nuggers, and I won't hurt you. Just eat it. It will all be okay."

He lifts up a knife to my throat when I shake my head no. Dear God. I don't want to.

"But you must Draco. You don't want to disappoint the famous Harry Potter do you?"

Tears streaming down my face, I lift up my fork. My hand is shaking, and Harry still is holding the knife to my throat. I'm sobbing silently, begging for someone to help me, to free me from this misery.


I lift the fork filled with macaroni to my face. I'm almost blinded by the stream of tears. I would rather choose death over this. The fork is on my lips. I slam it down suddenly.

"I CANT FUCKING DO IT HARRY NO!!! I WONT EAT IT!!" I yell with tears. "I'm sorry, I cant!"

Harry stops smiling and takes the knife down from my throat.

"Very well Draco. Someone will have to be punished."

He yells for the ginger boy to come into the compartment. I've stopped crying now, but I'm scared of what Harry will do to him.

"The bloody hell do you want faggot?" Says the ginger to Harry as he sits down beside me.

Harry closes the compartment door, and puts the muffliato charm over our compartment. The ginger looks at me, and I can tell he's worried slightly. I shrug my shoulders, my face still wet with tears.

"Someone's been being bad. Draco won't eat his dinner. Draco needs to be punished."

Harry's smiling again. It's scary, and I don't know what's going to happen.

"So someone must die. I'm so very sorry Ronald Weasley. You are the first sacrifice."

Ron's crying, begging Harry for mercy. Harry smiles, shakes his head.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Ron lets out a horrible scream, that seems to last for ages. I scream in shock and horror, and start crying. I'm scared and I want to go home, want to wake up, want this to be a dream and all over with.

"Such a shame." Harry mutters. He turns towards me. "How many more must die, Draco?"

I struggle to speak through my tears.

"No one. No one will die. Please, I'm begging you Harry."


I look at Ron's dead body, tears streaming down my face, and remember the horrible scream, and remember Harry's smile as he killed him. I can't let anyone else die.

"So? Are you going to eat or not?!"

I nod, and pick up the fork. God I'm scared. More scared than I've ever been. The forms up to my face. I'm crying audibly now, the forks on my lips. I hesitate. Harry lunges forwards, shoving the fork down my throat. I fall backwards, tasting blood in my mouth. Everything's going black.

And then, I realize it. I'm dying. The fork is stuck in my throat, the blood is coming out of my mouth so thickly, I can't breathe. I try and scream for help, banging my fist on the door, leaving bloody handprints. The stench of blood is overpowering. I taste it. It's all I can smell it, see it, taste it, and feel it.

Harry watches me, his expression stone cold. He picks up my almost limp face in his hand and caresses it.

"I'm sorry Draco. You were such a sweet boy. Such a shame. But all this could've been avoided if you just ate the macaroni. Have fun in heaven. Say hello to my mum and dad. Oh, one last thing. How does dying feel like?"

I look at him. I barely have enough strength to talk. I hate this boy. The boy who lived is now the boy who murdered me. Just eleven years old.

"It feels horrible. Like every inch of you is on fire. Like you've lost hope. Like a million elephants have just crushed all your bones. The pain is excruciating. It burns. It hurts. I'm in misery. Please help."

I look into Harry's eyes, pleading for mercy. For a split second I see his expression change, but then it's gone. Harry slowly starts smiling. The smile turns into a chuckle. I've lost all hope. It's certain. I am going to die.

"I love it when they describe dying. It's funny."

Harry steps over my body and opens the compartment door. I latch onto his foot. I know this is my last hope. I don't have any more strength left to talk so I just look into his eyes. Harry shakes my foot off, and bends down to my ear.

"Sorry Draco, but macaroni time is over."


Thanks to everyone for reading!!! I love Macaroni Time!! Wasn't this a great Drarry fan fiction?? Leave a vote if you liked!! Well, I got to go, it's macaroni time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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