They didnt live that far.

We always visited them .

But these weeks we didnt because it was so busy .

I saw two little girls run in as they hugged my aunt anna , they were her little girls

They were twins and they had blonde hair and blue eyes , they both wore the same clothes and they were my favourite cuzions.

Katie and rosie.

"Katie and rosie"i said as they both saw me and hugged me .

"Abby"katie said happily.

"Aww my babys"i said kissing them both on thier delicate cheeks.

"We like your hair "they both said ,they loved my red hair.

Austin walked in as they ran to him as he picked them both up.

"Looks like katie and rosie have found a new friend"said aunty anna.

"Haha aunty, austin is a very good friend how can anyone not want him"i said looking at him as he smiled at me , making me blush and my aunty go "oooh!"she teased.

I laughed

So imature !

I shaked my head.


It 10.00 and i wanted to lie down , my mum told me to go upstairs .

I walked upstairs into my room .

Suddenly the lights came on themself as i looked back and saw austin.

"Austin? You scared me "i said smiling.

"Sorry , im just in a jolly mood"he teased back.

He walked closer to me as i walked back and hit my back against the door .

As austin came closer to me as he leaned his arm over my head as looked into my eyes.

"Austin i think you should go"i smiled

"Go? All this time you were with your family not even one minute we got a time to spend with each other"he said.

"I know...but"i started and got cut off

"Sshhh!!"said austin as he put his finger on my lip.

"Not even a word"he said.

I started into his eyes as he let go and slid his hand around my waist and gripped me closer as my body hit his hard chest.

I blushed.

"Fine ..what can i do to get you out of here?"i said

"Wel...its not that easy dear"he teased

"Its not that hard either"i teased biting my lip.

"Kiss me!"he said

"What no!! Not now "i teased.

"Why theres no one here so why you shy for?"he asked

"Yeah but what will them lot think us to missing from downstairs"i said

"Well im sure..they know about us "he smiled

"Yeah bu.."i said

Austin turned his face into a sad face , i couldnt resist him being sad .

I think he got upset.

I pulled him by the t shirt and smashed my lips on his .

As i pulled him closer as i deepend the kiss.

As the hot senstation killed us both into going more deeper.

As we kissed i felt the atmosphere around us heat up.

We parted as the tingling senstion was left on my lips .

"Wow , "said austin like he was struck by magic

"What can you say i am a good kisser"i teased.

"Yeah now i will show how good i am"he teased

"Ah ah !! I already know how good you are"i teased.

"No not yet"he teased.

I let go of his grip and ran as he caught me and threw me on my bed as he jumped on top of me.

I cuddled closer to him as i wrapped my arm around him .

"I love you abby "said austin

"I love you too austin"i smiled as i shut my eyes.


Austin's pov

Wow that was the most hot kiss i ever had.

Abby was good!

I loved her so much .

She let go of my grip as turned to run as i grabbed her and threw her on the bed as i jumped on her .

We both cuddled into a hug as she lay next to me as she wrapped her self around me.

Making me feel secure

"I love you abby"i said to her

"I love you too austin"she spoke as she shut her eyes.

Before you knew it she fell asleep.

I lifted her up slowly and tucked her bed as i slowly put her blanket on her .

I sat beside her as i stroked her face and watch her sleep peacefully.

My day would be only made if i saw her beautiful face everyday , and thats how it was .

Whenever i saw her beautiful face my heart flutterd.

I planted a soft kiss on her her delicate cheek and then shut the lights and walked out closing the door behind me .

I walked downstairs as i wore my jacket on and waved abbys parents good bye and walked home.


Hey guys another chapter for you!

I updated this just for you cuz i made you wait alot!

Luv you!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the comment too

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