Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

"Wake up, Wake up, wake up!" an unpleasantly loud and high-pitched voice echoes in my ear. I groan disorientedly. Why me? "Leave me alone, kid."

Oh, I forgot. Always with the pleasantries.  I'm Julia, and the one over there yelling at me is my little brother, Jake. Like my abnormally aggravating bro, me and the rest of my family isn't ordinary. We're werewolves. Weird, huh? And no, we're not like humans make us out to be. You know, the cliché hairy dudes that go wacko at the full moon and, like, go berserk and murder their families and friends? Yeah, that's all just a common misconception. Just one guy in history decides to go on a crime spree and everyone in the world freaking stereotypes our entire race. But that's just human nature, isn't it?

"Shut up and get out!" I yell, finally having had my fill of whining for one day. Or one year. "Fine! Grumpy old meanie!" he shoots back and stomps away, small face twisted into a somewhat cute fury. Finished with that problem. Now to wake up all the way. I drag myself out of my warm, comfortable bed and stumble to my dresser, gazing in the mirror at my not-so-pleasant morning face. Then, gathering my courage, I attempt brush my tangled brown hair. Pretty much a hopeless case. Then, slowly, I coach myself down the stairs. I do not want to be awake. Mornings have never been my thing.

I smell waffles, however, which makes my feet move just that much faster. Jake is already downstairs jumping around, literally. He has too much energy. "Morning Mom," I mumble. "Morning dear. Jake! Stop trying to jump off the stairs!" She shouts. Jake huffs, pausing a moment to pout, then runs down the stairs to the kitchen and I hear him rummaging in the cabinets. I swear, he eats us out of house and home.

Once Mom is finished making waffles, she sets a plate down in front of me and, being a growing werewolf or whatever, I do not hesitate to dig in to the steaming stack of scrumptiousness. "Where's Dad?" I ask, per my normal routine. "He had a meeting with the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. You know how they are." she says. I just nod, because my mouth is full. "Hurry up and eat." Jake says. "Why?" I ask cautiously, licking golden syrup from my fingers. "Because I want you to play with me!" He shouts, excitedly. Cue the eye roll. Ugh. A usual morning for me.

After breakfast, during which Jake stares at me the entire time, I expect to escape to my room. So I head for the stairs, hoping my absence will not be noticed. Unfortunately for me, the first stair creaks beneath my foot, foiling my plot. Jake turns around, smiling, and calls out to me. Mission not yet aborted, I make a mad dash toward my room, which I reach before he does and lock the door. He bangs his small fists against the door, moans unhappily, and screams childish insults at me. But even a werewolf's stamina won't outlast my stubbornness, and after a little while Jake gives up his siege and trots off presumably to find a new victim. Sorry, mom. Finally, I think, I can get back to sleep.

Hey! Thanks to all for your support! Please vote and comment your thoughts!!!! I also need some constructive criticism! Also, sorry for the wait for chapter one! I really hope you like it though!!! Once again, thanks for your support!!!!

~ Dianabugg11

Note from dianabugg11's editor!

Hey guys! I really hope y'all love this book. Dianabug11 has worked really hard on this. You just don't know how much it means to her for you guys to read this!!! Hope you love it so much that rainbows and unicorns are coming out of your ears!!! Please don't be rude. If you have something mean to say, either inbox her or me. You will see my username below. Thanks for everyone's support!!!!

Love, rainbows, and unicorns,


P.S. that's Jordan for ya. i think it should be wolves, fish fingers , and butterflies but anyway..........  ~ Dianabugg11

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