Part 2

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The Gryffindor trio headed down for lunch, joined by Neville, Luna and Ginny. As they sat down, Harry remembered what Draco had said, and asked if he smelt weird to any of them. Of course they all responded with no, they wouldn't tell him even if he smelt like a troll had peed on him, he thought grumpily.
The blond-haired Slytherin, who was already seated at his table directly opposite Harry, couldn't help but notice he was being stared at. He looked up and his silver eyes met green. Malfoy quickly looked away, and Harry nearly fell out of his seat in shock. Harry stood up hastily, and left the hall, determined to avoid all possible contact with the Slytherin. At least until he smelt better.
He went up into his dormitory, before heading off to have a shower. When he returned, he refused to use his own cologne, and instead used Deans. Who probably wouldn't mind, and also didn't smell bad, in most people's opinion.
He walked to Care of Magical Creatures, feeling sure Malfoy couldn't criticise him any more. He walked straight over to where Draco was standing, and made a point of walking past him. To which he was greeted with 'Urgh Potter, you smell even worse than this morning, what did you do? Roll around the mud? Fall into the lake?'
Harry groaned. His plan hadn't worked. He hated Malfoy, and his stuck-up ways. Why did he have to smell nice all the time?
Harry had already begun to hatch a plan, and barely listened at all to Hagrids lesson. He rushed back to the common rooms with Ron and Hermione, although he refused to tell them anything as to what had gotten him so worked up. He sat and played wizard chess with Ron for a few hours to avoid suspicion, before grabbing his invisibility cloak and making his excuses.
He wrapped the cloak around him tightly, as he walked down to the dungeons, settling outside the entrance to the Slytherin common room. He had to wait for someone to enter the rooms, as he didn't know the password; assuming it had changed from when he and Ron had invaded during Second Year.
Fortunately he didn't have to wait long, as Blaise Zabini was running down the corridor. He stopped outside the entrance and looked around, not noticing Harry, who was still invisible.
'Salazar' He muttered, and Harry had to fight the urge to laugh. Why were Slytherin passwords always so simple? He managed to contain his laughter, and followed Zabini into the common room. It was just as he remembered it. Everything was either green or silver, and a lot more uncomfortable than the warm Gryffindor rooms upstairs. Putting these thoughts out of his mind, he continues to follow Zabini, this time to the dormitories, hoping that he shared with the other fourth years, the same as Gryffindor. He did. Harry breathed a sigh of relief, and sat in the corner, waiting for Blaise to leave.
It was as though Blaise existed only to suit Harry, as Zabini took something from his trunk and left almost immediately. Harry looked around to make sure he was definitely alone, before locating Dracos trunk. It wasn't difficult to spot as it was clearly the most expensive one there.
Trusting that Malfoy would be proud enough to have more than one bottle of his cologne, he began to search.
After finding an unopened bottle, that matched that of the one by his bed, he put it in his pocket and stuck out of the dungeons, and up to his bed.

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