Chapter 1

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Third Person P.O.V.
The Hunters of Artemis were camped in a small clearing adjacent to Lake George in New York State, silver tents laid out in a crescent moon shape. The Hunters were instantly on guard and standing at attention when their Mistress flashed in, a male standing next to her. He was wearing a tight silver sleeveless t-shirt, silver camo cargo pants, a bracelet on his left arm and a trident in his right hand. His raven black locks were matted and sweaty, and his normally vibrant sea-green eyes were glazed and turquoise. He was almost unrecognisable to the older hunters, and totally so to the newer ones. They drew their bows, aimed them at him and fired. One was going to hit Artemis. He pulled her against him and exposed his back, 14 arrows hit their mark. He hissed in pain and let Artemis go, crumpling to one knee. "Stop! He is not to be attacked!"
"But Mistress! He is a male!"
"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Phoebe said. She walked over to Percy with Thalia and each of them went under one of his shoulders. The new hunters were shocked, they cleared out of the way when they saw Thalia's hair crackling with electricity. They led him to the Infirmary Tent. They pulled each arrow out and laid him on his stomach. Nectar was poured on his wounds and he consumed a small square of Ambrosia. He came out of the tent about thirty minutes later to a hunt gathered around a campfire, Thalia in a chair on the left of Artemis's throne, an empty seat on her right, she waved him over and he sat. The other members of the hunt were sitting on stumps.
"Arrows in the back, huh? Can't say I'm surprised that this is how you treat your new Captain." He said sarcastically as he winced and sat down, his back was still sore and he now had 14 new scars for the collection. "Don't lie to us Boy, I'll add another arrow, between your eyes this time." He didn't dignify her with a response, just played with his trident, melting and solidifying the celestial bronze over and over again, the vine design changing each time.
"He isn't lying Heather. This male doesn't lie." Artemis said.
"A male who doesn't lie? When pigs fly." Veronica scoffed. Percy remained quiet, he snapped his fingers, and the lake water formed into a boar with wings which flew around before dissolving at her feet. Thalia thought she could detect the slightest bit of his old mirth in his eyes, but it was just a flash. Thalia yearned for the old Percy, when he used to visit the Hunters he would always crack jokes, it made it easier to convince the new Huntresses that he wasn't like the males that they despised. With this new Percy though, it was virtually impossible. He wasn't treating all the situations that he was in as a giant joke, it was weird that he always had the demeanor of an Apollo kid, but the powers of a son of Poseidon. 

"I will ask that you do not question our Lady again, Lady Artemis has placed me in charge of training, and I can and will make your life a living hell. You may or may not have noticed, but I do wield this hammer on a regular basis." Percy changed his trident to his hammer, it was a gift from Ares after I saved Sherman Yang in the Second Titan War. It was forged of War-steel, an extraordinarily rare alloy composed of Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, Stygian Iron, Divine Silver, Olympian Steel, Atlantean Platinum, Sun Tungsten, and Mortal Steel. Deadly to any possible foe you could ever encounter. It was shaped roughly like the ebony warhammer from Oblivion. 

"This is Dragon-Maw, a gift from Ares, forged of War-Steel, and deadly to all life, do any of you think you could wield it?" A daughter of Athena stepped forward, Percy rolled his eyes, she played right into his hands, Hubris, fatal flaw of Athena and her children. He picked it up by one hand and she held her arms out. He dropped it into her arms and she dropped to the ground, arms pinned under the handle. He picked it back up and spun it around, planting the hammer head into the ground between his feet and sat back down, the hammer head sunk about three inches into the ground. "Anyone else? Because insult me again based on your prejudice and you will swing this hammer until you fell a tree. Insult my Lady Artemis like you do when you gossip, *cough* Heather *cough* and it will be this entire forest. I am not here solely to be your friend, earn my respect and that will come naturally. In conclusion, don't do anything stupid. Oh, and Heather?" She looked up. "I would cut off your letter correspondence with Mark in the village. Wouldn't want to end up breaking your oath, now would you?" 

Dun Dun Dun... How could he know? What is Artemis gonna do? What is HE gonna do?

Wait... three rhetorical questions, three dun's, three dots, and three commas! ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!

Lol. Have fun reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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