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When the Break bell rings I met by Laura who has sprinted from English to let me know that Mel is coming to get me for  support group. Ever since year two, I have been avoiding the school support group. They started the group at the beginning of year two to help students who are being bullied. Despite the Richard problem, I hated the atmosphere and it only gave him another excuse to tease me; also I would have to  miss out on English.

I decided to run down to the back end of the school where there is a huge wall. It is covered in Moss and can be cold during the winter however it is a safe haven from the school counsellor. Lolly followed at a decent distance to make sure that none of the teachers or students were following us. The wall, unknown to the principal, actually had a gaping hole in between the Barbwire fence and the end. Sometimes we climb through it to escape Richard or a teacher.

Lolly always has something nice to eat and today is no different. We share a big American marshmallow and some strawberries. When the recess bell goes it at 11, Laura and I cautiously make our way to class.

As we approach the Art classroom I begin to smell the alchohol stench of Richard. "Run" I scream. We sprint back down to the wall and through the gap in the fence hiding behind a neighbouring bush. Richard's lack of intelligence is a plus and after a while he clears off.
We are eventually make it to our class but we were 20 minutes late and Mrs Marie was very unhappy

The end of the period marked a moment of peace between Richard and myself. Thankfully, Richard always went smoking on one of the neighbouring houses lawns and didn't come back to school until the next morning. It also meant that his cronies, Boe and Tim, were not around to torment anyone as well.

Surprisingly, the end of the day came quite quickly and the tram ride home was uneventful. Mum and dad are working, as usual, and I find the house is empty, except for Perth, and untouched.

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