My Life over Theirs

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I slowly opened my eyes. Elise was next to me. She was softly crying. I moved my hand in her shoulder. She looked up at me with a smile on her face. "Hey, don't cry. I'm not dead yet." I smiled. The pain in my chest was extreme. I could barely move my body. "Where are the others?" "They're at school eating lunch. I finish early to come see you." Her tears were gone. "Tanks" I said. "Why were you crying? I'm not dead. Not yet anyways." "Because. I shouldn't have let you got hurt that badly. I should have helped more." Her eyes were tearing up again. "I rather die then see any of my friends in pain." I gave her a small smile. She hugged me. I moved my hand over my wound. Ouch. "You better get to school. Can you grab my homework for me?" "Of course!" She jumped up and gave me another hug. She rushed out the hospital doors to school. I closed my eyes. I can heal myself , can't I? I have to try. I herd foot steps and opened my eyes to the girl I saw when I blacked out. She held out her hand. I was frozen. Annoyed she grabbed my hand and put it on my wound. It hurt a bit. She closed her eyes. The pain got smaller and smaller. I felt a bit of pain. "Now hurry." She spoke, "what?" I blinked and she was gone. I got up felling no pain at all. I opened the window and flew out. I felt where my wound was and felt blood. I stopped in mid air. I'm still hurt. Shit. I went home and grabbed some things to cover up my wound. I walked to school. By the time I walked there school was out. Guess I was in the hospital longer than I thought. My group of friends walked out and saw me. "Lucy!" They ran towards me. Logan as well. "Are you ok?" Sal asked. "Of course." I smiled. "You shouldn't be our of the hospital yet. How'd did you heal your wounds?" I looked away. How am I going to tell you they haven't healed? "They have healed haven't they?" Nicole asked. I faked a smile, "Lucy! You shouldn't be here! You need to heal up!" "I don't feel any pain! And someone is after all of us! I'm not going to sit and watch! I'm going to be here helping y'all. I rather die than anything happen to you guy!" I noticed I had tears in my eyes. Logan looked sad, "I'm glad your alive...." He hugged me. I blushed and hugged back. "I'm stubborn so your not changing my mind." I said sticking my nose up. Nicole frowned. "I'm stubborn too......" She grumped. Everyone else was happy I was going to stay. "See you tomorrow. Ok?" Logan asked. "Of course!" I smiled. We all waved goodbye as I went home to sleep. The young girl with blue eyes was there again. But the world wasn't black. She turned behind her. "Clara, come on! Moms waiting for us!" Another girl came into view. She had same blonde hair but shorter and emerald green eyes. "I'm here Lucy. Don't worry. I'm never late." She winked. Wait Lucy?

Angles Demons and Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن