I Think You Owe Me a Kiss

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Bokuto arrived at the ball wearing a tux and a black and white mask that covered just the area around his eyes. He quickly began searching for Akaashi. He had been planning this out ever since he saw the posters in the halls. He would secretly seduce Akaashi tonight. There was only one problem. He couldn't figure out which person was Akaashi. He checked all over but was unable to find him since everyone was wearing masks. "agghhh!! What am I gonna do!?!? My beautiful plan is ruined!!" He saw a flash of black as a graceful, elegant man crossed his path. "Aka-" He quickly covered his mouth. If he called out akaashi's name, he would surely know it was him. He watched Akaashi go over and sit at a mostly empty table. He slowly walked over, trying not to let his excitement show. He lowered his voice and said, "is this seat taken?" Akaashi simply gestured with his hand for Bokuto to take a seat. He sat and spoke the lines he had practiced over and over for the past week, Kuroo helping him come up with some of them. "Hi, what's your name?" Akaashi smiled slightly, only his lips and eyes visible from his mask, and said, "Akaashi. And yours?" "It's a mystery," Bokuto said smirking. "Ah, very well. Then what should I call you for the rest of tonight?" Bokuto blushed a bit at akaashi's words, saying that they would spend the night together. "You can call me Ace for now." "Ok..Ace," he said. "Would you like me to get you a drink?" Bokuto asked. "Sure, I'm pretty thirsty," Akaashi answered, emphasizing the word thirsty just slightly. Bokuto gulped. "I-I'll be right back." He got up and walked over to where the drinks were just slightly faster then normal. Konoha, also at the drink table, saw him approach and called out to him. "Hey, Bokuto!" Bokuto quickly ran over and covered his mouth. He whisper-yelled, "shhh!! Don't yell my name!! I can't let anybody know who I am!!" "What? Why?" "It's a masquerade ball. It's supposed to be a secret!!" he whined. "Ah, sorry," Konoha answered. "It's ok," he said grabbing two drinks. "Have a nice night..uh, man.." Konoha said as Bokuto walked back to Akaashi. "Here's your drink," he said taking a seat. Akaashi took the cup from him, his hand resting on bokuto's for a moment. "Thank you." A slight blush dusted bokuto's cheek and he tried to start a conversation. "So, do you come here often?" Akaashi stared at him for a moment before replying, "...yes, I go to school here Ace." He buried his face in his hands, embarrassed. He felt a light touch, and his hands were pulled away from his face. "It's ok. It's actually kinda cute.." Akaashi looked away bashfully, and bokuto's face once again began to turn red. "D-do you wanna dance?" he blurted out. "It would be my pleasure," Akaashi mewled. He placed his hand in bokuto's larger, outstretched hand and was led into the dance floor. Bokuto tentatively placed his hand on Akaashi's waist and they began to sway as the romantic music seemed to drift through the air. They glided across floor, bodies pressed together. With little else to look at while they danced, he stared deep into Akaashi's eyes. They shone like emeralds, and on closer inspection he noticed the small flecks of blue in them. As the song ended, they were pressed tightly against each, both feeling the others warm breath on their lips. Akaashi leaned in for a kiss, but Bokuto quickly pulled away. "I want to show you something!" he said, dragging the boy into a quiet hallway. Once they stopped, Akaashi asked, "What is it Ace?" "Ok," Bokuto began. "Prepare yourself. I'm gonna reveal who I am." He grabbed his mask and dramatically tore it off. "It's me, Bokuto!" Akaashi's face remained the same through the ordeal, a look of shock never appearing. Confused, and a little disappointed, he asked, "Are you not suprised?" Akaashi let out small chuckle before answering. "Bokuto-San, you're literally the only person who wears your hair like that. And you had me call you 'Ace'." "O-oh," he replied as his face fell. "Even so, I had a wonderful time with you tonight." Akaashi slowly took off his mask to reveal a slight blush. "I think you owe me a kiss, koutarou." Bokuto's face turned red at the use of his first name. He grabbed Akaashi by the waist and pulled him close, kissing him passionately. When they pulled apart he asked, "How was that, Keiji?" For the first time in his life, he witnessed Akaashi's entire face turn red as he blushed. "It was good," he squeaked out. "I think we should do it some more," Bokuto said as he caught Akaashi's lips once again. After nearly a minute, they pulled apart again. After catching his breath, Bokuto said, "Keiji I love you." And for the second time in his life, he witnessed Akaashi's entire face turn red. "I love you too, Koutarou," he said quietly. "ARGHHH YOURE SO CUTE KEIJI!!" Bokuto showered Akaashi in kisses before asking with a smirk, "So do you wanna...?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Akaashi smacked the back of his head, muttering the word "idiot" as he walked away, hiding the color in his face. Bokuto stood there for a second shocked, before breaking into laughter. Once he was done laughing, he called out, "Akaaaaahhghshi!! Wait up!!" and ran after him.

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