Chapter 12

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Aralynn nodded. "Mmhm. Sure are." She replied. Elvis was standing close by her. She liked being close to him. She felt nervous and safe at the same time. Aralynn cleared her throat. "But if there's any way I can help you.. Like helpin' around the house. I can do that." She wanted to do something for him in return, but nothing would ever be enough to repay him. Elvis looked at her thoughtfully. He studied her quietly for a minute. "Well, I appreciate the offer, honey. But why don't you just settle down and let someone help you for a change. Huh?" He asked. Aralynn knew she was being stubborn, but she didn't know what to do. She gave a slight nod. "Okay. I'm sorry I'm being so stubborn, Elvis. J just wanted to help you some way." Elvis gave her a friendly pat on the back. "I said don't worry about that, Aralynn. You need someone to help you now. Besides, I got staff who can take care of that for me." He reminded her. Aralynn thought he was too generous. But she didn't know when to quit. "Well, maybe, I can lend them a hand sometime." She tried. Elvis actually chuckled a bit. "Aralynn, I know you're a very independent woman, but really you should let someone help *you* for once." "What you need to do, love, is sit down and rest those pretty little feet of yours. Okay?" "But, if I ever need to ask a favor from you, I will let you know. I appreciate it very much." Elvis said, seeing that she was desperate to do something. He realized she was very restless. He truly felt sorry for the girl. Aralynn just decided to hang it up for now. "Okay." She answered softly. "But, ya know, I am pretty hungry. Could eat a tarantula right now." He teased. But then he frowned at his poor joke. Still, why did every single little thing he said and did have to be so cute?

"Well, I could cook for you." She suggested eagerly. Elvis arched an eyebrow at her. Elvis laughed. "Can you?" Aralynn nodded. "Um, yeah. I used to cook for my family all the time. I like doing it." Elvis was listening to her intently. "And what would you cook for me, love?" He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Aralynn stammered at the look he was giving her. Aralynn shrugged. "Anything you like. Cajun gal, ya know? My specialty." She said. She could have sworn she saw his eyes on her lips. But Elvis quickly averted his gaze and he lifted his blue eyes up to meet her soft, hazel ones. Elvis had a big grin on his face. He seemed interested and amused by her. "Ah." Elvis craned his head down toward her. His luscious lips making her own mouth go dry. "Well, I do love me some gumbo and crawfishes..." Elvis rambled on. "Jambalaya." He was unconsciously moving closer to her. Aralynn had to back up, before being smothered by him. He made her clam up and her palms were sweating. "Okay, King Creole. Only thing, we're not in New Orleans anymore." Aralynn said with an accent to her own voice. Elvis smiled playfully at her. "I know. And I still brought a piece of the Big Easy back with me, didn't I?" Aralynn gasped at that. Her mouth gaped open at his flirtatious edge. Elvis grinned widely at that and chuckled warmly. Elvis was about to open his mouth to utter a response, but Aralynn quickly cut him off. She was not too comfortable with where this was leading. So, she had to improvise. "So... Can I cook for you? Please?" She pleaded. Elvis gave her a funny look and then he said, "Alright. Fine.""Since you volunteer. Be my guest, little lady."" Surprise me." She grinned at him. "Yay!" She chimed, as she turned around. She could still feel Elvis smiling after her. He was shaking his head. Aralynn suddenly realized she was still in her nightgown. She frowned. "Wait. May I please use your shower?" She asked shyly. "This is so embarrassin'." Aralynn muttered as she pointed to the red material. She caught Elvis eyeing her. He almost looked hungrily at her. It was starting to scare her a bit. "What's wrong with silk?" He asked jokingly. "I surely don't mind." Elvis made her gasp and blush furiously. She turned her head in embarrassment. Aralynn covered her face in her hands. "Oh you! Stop it." She whined. Elvis just laughed at her reaction. He shrugged when she frowned at him. "I'm just kidding." "Don't worry. My housekeeper, Mrs. Jenkins, set an outfit in the bathroom for you. I knew you'd wanna freshen up." He actually looked a bit shy and uncomfortable now. Aralynn smiled thoughtfully at him. How convenient. "Thank you." She told him sweetly. Elvis just returned her with a brief nod.

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