Chapter 28

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I walked away from him in tears after he said that to me, I couldn't believe he would say that. i ran away sobbing pasting my friends ignoring them calling my name and i run through the halls as the bell rings but i don't care i go to my locker and i try wiping the tears away but the keep coming down as i replay what happened in my mind. "what happened? why would he say things like that?" i slam my locker shut and lean against it covering my face trying to hold back the tears. "Their you are Sydney" I look up to see Johnathan standing their out of breath and he narrows his eyes " Sydney? whats wrong, what happened? I break down into tears again and he opens his arms and gives my a sympathetic look "come here Sydney" and i run into his arms and i cry into his shirt and he just holds me letting me cry "i don't know what happened Jon it all happened so fast all i did was introduce you to everyone but Conner apparently doesn't like you and told me to never talked to you again saying that I'm clueless and i don't see that you obviously have feelings for me and i just..." he rubs my back nodding "Sydney listen to me OK?" and he brings my chin to look at him and he wipes the tears " Conner doesn't know me correct?" and i nod "well Sydney theirs something i haven't told you since the last time we talked". i narrow my eyes tilting my head "what do you mean?" he sighs and closes his eyes "Sydney I'm not straight i like guys not girls". My eyes widen and my mouth parts a little bit " your gay?" he nods looking away "i didn't want to tell you because i was afraid of what u would think of me" i smile bringing him to look at me "Jon i don't see u any different your still my best friend and always will be my best friend more like brother to me an ill always love you like a big brother even if i am older then you" and i bump him making him smile "i love you too little sis and thank you not a lot of people know that yet but i wanted you to know cause i trust you". i nod giving him a hug holding him tight "thank you Johnny but what am i gonna do with Conner?" He sighs shaking his head "Sydney you know what you have to do" I nod looking away "I know i know" he smiles "he will understand an if he doesn't then he will get a stern talking to from me" I giggle shaking my head " still the smile big brother" he wraps his arm around my neck "come on lets go to class" i nod and we walk to our next class.

Conner POV:

I stand their in shock as i watch her run away from me "your just like Zachary" man did that really hurt my heart hearing her say those words to me. I cuss to myself kicking the grass and soon Humza comes up to me looking sooo pissed off "dude what the hell happened why is Sydney crying her eyes out and avoiding us what did you do". My eyes widen after he says that "shes crying?" and he nods "ya bro what happened?" i cringe thinking of her crying and it makes my heart sink "we had an argument about her friend Jon, i didn't like him and was getting jealous of the way they were being around each other and i kinda told her to stop talking to him which made things worse" i scratch the back of my head and Humza rolls his eyes shaking hi head "god damnit Conner your getting way too over protective about her you can truth her Jonathan is one of her best friends those too have known each other sine they started elementary school you have no idea how much Sydney loves you, you are her world and every time she talks about you she gets all giddy and excited, Conner you cant lose something like that and you cant let some guy ruin that for you just because she has him as a friend I've had to learn that with Zoe because i don't want to lose her and i know you don't want to lose Sydney". I was speechless after he aid that to me because he was right i was being stupid, I shouldn't of been like that "wow man your totally right i messed up badly by acting like that". I sigh covering my face and he rubs my back "its ok bud that what I'm here for to put you in your place because someones gotta do it" i laugh nodding my head "thanks bro what do i do now she probably hates me now for saying that" he shakes his head " I'm sure she doesn't Conner she will come around just you wait" i nod walking to class with him feeling so horrible for what i have done and i look up to the sky "god if you do exist please don't let her walk way from me"

Anonymous POV:

I wait at the picnic table grunting to myself as she is being late to our meet up and i slam my fist against the table "god damnit where the hell is she?" she laughs from behind me making me turn around "finally you decide to show up". she gives me a evil smirk as she sits across from me "sorry big guy lost track of time" i roll my eyes and bring out my laptop "is everything in check for this plan to work" she nods bringing out her notebook "everything you told me to do" and she winks at me making me roll my eyes, shes so into me but i honestly don't care if i use her for the wrong purposes i want my girl back and nothing is going to stop me so why not play along with her. i bite my lip at her showing her that i can play along and she just giggles "so do u need me to do anything else" she gives me that look and i know that look which makes me grin "soon little one after u become best friends with Sydney and get this plan moving slowly" i step up and give her a long passionate kiss and she pulls me closer which makes me smile pulling away from her biting her lip making her whimper "it will be done sir"and i smirk "good girl" and i pick my stuff up and walk away feeling super confident about everything.

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