Through Sickness and in Health [WinterIron]

Start from the beginning

"I believe that removing your behind would be a crucially painful experience, but one that you might enjoy, sir."

"Hardy-hardy-Hah!"Tony laughs sarcastically, cursing the fact that his A.I knows him better than anybody else. Even Bucky can't compete to the knowledge, secrets and years of data that JARVIS keeps as a source of friendly based blackmail and 'banter' whenever he knows that his Sir if getting a little too serious about things that don't need to be taken seriously.

Bundling up the energy, Tony makes a move to get off of the sofa, standing up on legs that feel like jelly and gripping onto the first thing he can get a hold on - DUM-E - as his head spins and vision blacks out for a handful of seconds. DUM-E whirls in concern, his claw nudging at his Masters stomach that doesn't help Tony's pain.

"Stop it."He groans, pushing away the bot and immediately regretting the action whenever he sways in nausea and DUM-E beeps in sadness that hurts Tony's heart. As much as his 'bots get on his nerves, he loves them dearly and hates to make them upset. Tony is grateful that despite the way that Tony spoke to his bot, DUM-E still wheels over a chair for a sick Tony to sit down on.

"Thanks, buddy."Tony sighs, petting at DUM-E's claw affectionately, making the bot beep and  whirl, the slightest hint of a smile making its way onto Tony's face.

"Sir, do you request me to contact Sargent Barnes to aid you?"JARVIS asks in concern at how pale and weak Tony looks as he sits on a chair and pets at DUM-E's claw with affection.

"No, don't bother him. He's on a mission."

"One that he can surely dismiss due to its unimportance."Tony's health always over comes whatever the hell Sargent Barnes is up to, JARVIS has already had the talk with him a long time ago, back when Tony and Bucky had only started dating and getting into the new Ageplay dynamic of their blossoming relationship.

It's now three years later, and despite the commitment issues that both have endured in their past lives and through the uncertainty that the relationship will last from both the team and the public eye, they're now married. Tony found that being married wasn't all that different from dating, because even before they got married, they lived out of eachothers pockets and argued as if they HAD been married for 50 years never mind a year and a half.

"J, I'm fine."He says, getting off of his chair again and regretting it a moment later whenever his stomach turns in nausea and his throat swells in that familiar feeling that he's about to throw up."Bucket, I need a bucket."He urgently announces, holding a hand up to his mouth and fuck- he's glad that DUM-E is with him, quick to actually listening and getting a bucket.

Tony throws up what has to be food from 2 days ago, and probably his insides too. His thrust burns and his eyes are dampened with tears, knuckles white from how hard he is gripping onto the bucket as he throws up once more.

"Contacting Sargent Barnes."JARVIS announces, almost sounding smug. Tony tries to blink back some tears as he continues to hold the bucket close to his chest, giving up and simply nodding his head with his voice hoarse.

"Yeah, okay."


Sometimes, Bucky really hates being on missions.

It wasn't because he disliked S.H.E.I.L.D - but okay, he did because they were dicks to everyone and especially to his husband, but then again they are better than HYDRA - but mostly because being away from the rest of the team was boring and dare he say it, exhausting. He's grown use to the team being at his side, fighting in battle, he's grown use to having Tony swear over the comm and Steves motivation.

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