Chapter 4: IDK what to call this

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Heyy!!! Okay, sorry I was gone for so long, i was just grounded........ but I'm officially back online!!! woop-de-doo!

PLEASE READ!!!!!!!: so a few days ago i was browsing the new neville longbottom love stories on here and i found a really good one by RosesReality.

It is called Entwined, and the sequel, which i thought was very clever, is a James (Harry's son) Potter love story.

And it is Neville's daughter who James falls for. I loved the multi-generation concept. So everybody go read those, they are really really good!!!!

So this chapter is dedicated to RosesReality. so, moving on with the story:


Neville's POV:

I woke up groggily, and felt something cuddling my midsection, leaning on me. I felt around to see what it was. I caught a whiff of her lilac-peppermint scent, and I snapped my eyes open.


Her eyes fluttered in a beautiful sleep and she adjusted her arms around me. Awwww, she is just so cute. I kissed her forehead. She giggled and opened her eyes.

"I thought you were supposed to be in a coma???" I asked.

She giggled again, before replying in her normal, calm, dreamy tone,

"I guess not."

She flicked the air around her head, as if trying to swat away some invisible fly.

"The nargles must've gone. I think they were the ones keeping me asleep."

I chuckled. Sometimes I just don't get her logic. But she's cute, you have to admit that. I was just glad she was alright. Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione apparated to our bedside with a pop. Ron spoke first, emerging to the front of the group with 2 plates of food.

"Hey you guys, we figured, well Mione and Gin figured, it would be nice to, you know, bring you some breakfast, and stuff."

"Thank you Ron. That was very thoughtful of you guys." Luna spoke from next to me.

"Yeah, we also figured you would have to rest up here for a while, and Neville wouldn't want to leave, so we brought you guys some stuff."

She handed her her wand, a Quibbler, some clothes, her perfume, her toothbrush and toothpaste, and some other stuff like that.

Then Harry handed me a bag with some stuff in it too. There was Trevor, my wand, the plant I have been studying lately, some clothes, cologne, my toothbrush, some chocolate frogs, some other candy from my dormitory, and some other stuff. (A.N. Really specific, I know. Sorry, I can't think of stuff lol) Jeez, It was like they thought we were going to be there for weeks. Oh well, better have more stuff then I need then not enough. So Luna and I spent the whole day eating chocolate frogs and reading the Quibbler upside down. It was actually quite fun.


PLEASE READ: That was absolutely horrible. I hated this chapter, and i bet you did too. I had an idea for this chapter, but it didn't turn out to be a good one. I have ideas for coming chapters, so don't worry, but this one just fell apart. I am not proud of this chapter, so don't be surprised if I rewrite it. lol i probably will. Anyways, see you very soon, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

Love, Lemon

19 Years: Neville and Luna's Story *ON HOLD SORRY*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz