Chapter 1:The man in the alley

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I was walking home from the movies. It was dead midnight. I was getting soaked from the rain that was predicted this morning. All of a sudden, I saw a man in the alleyway. I said"Sir,are you alright?"No reply. I tried again to get his attention. No reply. I started to walk up to the man slowly. I noticed that the closer I got to him, he was laughing. Not that kind of giggle laughing. The kind where it sounds like your crazy. I was about two inches away from him. I calmly said"Sir,do you need some help?"All of a sudden he grabbed and knocked me out with a pipe he was hiding in his coat. All was black. I woke up and there was some kind of bag over my head. I said"WHO ARE YOU!" He said"I know who you are,Mr.Lawton.

Shot in the Dark Part 1: The OriginWhere stories live. Discover now