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Part One Of So You Think Your A Hero
*Sorry old art X/

This is chapter one of the darkest night in Spike's POV

Spike flew down to the greyish mountain, sun bouncing off his scales. He could see the outlines of dragons all different colors below him. He circled them like a hawk, picking his prey. Spike finally dropped down to the mountain where young dragonets clung to their mothers while others were introducing themselves to others. Spike went over to a big boulder and sat under the shade cherishing the coolness.

Spike wondered where the others were, they were supposed to meet him by the big rock. They had planned it before hand. Spike scrunched up his nose and thought with a shiver if he was early. He was never early, it was one of the few things he was liked about himself. Maybe he was losing his mojo, I mean when was the last time he played a prank on the Seawing princess?

A big red dragon cleared it's throat disrupting Spike's thoughts. He abruptly looked up squinting to see the dragon through the blinding hot sun. Why did Jade Mountain have to be scrunched between the two hottest places in phyrria? The dragon leaned down to Spike's height and huffed some smoke in his face. Spike coughed but felt a familiar flock of butterflies swarm in his stomach.

"Cy!" He exclaimed. Cyanite smiled deviously at him, Spike scrambled to his feet and stood up straight desperately wanting to be as tall as her. Behind Cyanite stood a glaring Sandwing, a Rainwing, and an Icewing looking like he was about to kill anyone who stepped into his 'bubble'.

The Rainwing stepped forward and gave him a big smile. "How've you been, Love? " She said magenta eyes gleaming.

Spike returned the Rainwing's smile, although he didn't know how it would look on him considering he almost never smiled. "Oh, you know me, Jay, I've been keeping my reputation as the villain in the Sea kingdom. Princess Pearl never saw that slug cake comin'" Spike smirked. Cyanite rolled her eyes but there were traces of a smile on her face.

Frostbite stepped forward, icy blue eyes shooting daggers at him. "If we're done here I think we should actually go into the academy instead of standing here awkwardly." Frostbite snapped.

"Oh, Frosty c'mon, y'know you missed me." Spike said pushing passed him, leaving him to huff and walk after him.

In the academy Spike immediately wanted to bolt straight out of it. The school practically shouted 'this is not the place for you' and Spike couldn't agree more. Almost everywhere he looked there were scrolls of history, stories of the great dragonets of destiny. The was so much education Spike thought he might suffocate.

Cyanite must have noticed his discomfort because she moved closer to him and whispered in his ear "I heard that we get to actually kill people in this school." Spike looked over at her startled. "What? How?" He sputtered. Cyanite continued to walk along side him and after a while she responded "Through a simulator an old animus dragon created. Isn't it great, we'll actually get some practice in for the Darkest Night."

Spike wasn't sure if he thought it was great. If it was a simulator then dragons technically don't die, but the concept of killing just didn't fit with him. Bright yellow flashed beside him and then disappeared. Spike shook his head. Of course killing fit with him, it was who he was, it was in his blood! Spike smiled, maybe I won't bolt out of here just yet. Spike flexed his forearm and seven dark blue spikes slid out on each arm. Cyanite looked down at his claws and smirked. The group continued to walk down the hallway full of dragonets either staring at them or looking down and avoiding them . Between Frostbite's glares, Cactus's daggers along her waist, Jay giggling like a maniac about a joke no one had said, Cyanite's red eyes, looking dangerous and mean. And Spike's well... spikes, they practically were wearing a banner that said 'We're the bad guys around here, cross us, and you're dead'. They had that kind of vibe.

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