"Gone. He was a one night stand also Emma that's all it was. He didn't even know I was pregnant. He doesn't know about you." She said leaning back in her chair. "You can't go looking for someone who doesn't want to be found."

"What do you mean?"

"One night stands were his thing." She sighed. "He never stayed in one place for to long."

"What was his name?" I asked pleased I was at least getting some information.

"That's enough I told you he can't be found." She said shooting up from her seat.

"I just want his name." I begged.

"I've told you enough." She said through gritted teeth as she stormed out the door.

I knew there was more to the story though. There had to be. She didn't care about Tate's dad you could tell in the way she spoke about him. But my dad there was more to the story she wasn't telling me and I was going to find out.


"I can't belive he did that!" April cried as she shoved another spoonful of frozen yogurt into her mouth. Her eyebrows netted together in confusion.

"I know." I said picking my spoon up and stiring my yogurt.

"Your going back for the wedding though right, this time I'll come with you so we can both beat him up. We can stay with Halsey she will let us." She rambled on.

"It's not about Tate why I'm on the fence on whether I should go or not it's Cody."

"It's always Cody." She mumbled.

"I don't know if I can face him after that. If I can do it without breaking down into tears. I thought that he wold have sent me vociemails begging for me to come back not telling me how bad of a person I was. I explained everthing in that note. It's like he never even got it." I said shaking my head.

April's eyes widened.

"What if he didn't."

I looked up at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he never told you about Cody's plan to marry Mollie right there he fooled you once, what if he fooled you twice and you didn't notice."

"Your saying Tate never gave Cody that letter?"

"That'd exactly what I'm saying." She said going back to shoving spoonfuls of yogurt into her mouth.

I though for a moment. Really Cody had acted like there never was a letter. I always though he just avoiding talking about it. But what if Tate never gave it to him.

"Should I call him and ask?"

"He will just say he did." April shrugged.

I pulled out my phone staring at his contact.

Before I could even think I already had the phone pressed against my ear. April watching me with curious eyes.

"Emma." Tate cried answering the phone.

But once I heard his voice I hung up. I couldn't do. I didn't want to find out until I absolutely had to and until then I will think his innocent. But in the back of my head I knew better. It just hurts that someone I was suppose to be able to depend on has not only fooled me once, but twice. April was right.

"Didn't pick up?" April asked focusing back on her yogurt.

I simply nodded forcing myself to take another spoonful of my yogurt. It hurt. It really did. I felt like everyone had turned there backs on me back in Utah.

"Hey, it'll be okay." April said placing her hand on top of mine. "Everything will be okay. Just a bump in the road."

Everything will turn out fine.

I thought back to that guy on the plane. What he told me. He was going through something tough too. He was heading to a funeral. I don't know who's but still, the tone in his voice I'm guessing it was someone special.

"So you said Tate found his dad." She said changing the subject.

"Ya, he did." I said bending down to pick of Sammy and placed him in my lap as I scratched behind his ear.

"Do you wanna find yours?"

I nodded.

"But I have no leads, no clues. I have nothing."

"Ask your mom she is bound to have something." She shrugged.

"I have all she told me is that I would never find him."

"That's weird." April said looking up at me confused. "It's like she murdered him or something."

I shook my head.

"My moms mean but not that mean."

"Eh." April laughed. "I wouldn't put it past her."

"April!" I cried laughing.

A few heads turned and looked at us as we both started laughing. Even Sammy looked up at me worried.

"But seriously just go look in her office then, she is never in there anyway."

"I don't know if I'd get away with it." I said.

"It's not that hard just go right now, you have keys to every door in that building. You hold all the cards, if you did it right now at night there's no way she would be walking in."

I thought about. Like seriously debated it but shook my head.

"Nah I think I'll have to find out a different way."

"Your lose. You could pretend to be some super cool spy." April said getting up and doing a stupid spy move.

I laughed shaking my head as I stood up.

"It's already 10." I said looking around me.

New York was still wide awake crowds of people wondering the streets.

"I got a big test tomorrow so I need to go get some last minute study in." April said stretching before tossing her empty yogurt in the garbage. I followed her lead and threw mine away setting Sammy back on the ground as we both walked over to our cars.

"Good night, Em I hope things turn out." She said to me as she unlocked her car.

"Night, and good luck on your test." I replied letting Sammy jump in first before I climbed in.

April was so happy when I showed her Sammy she mauled the poor thing for about twenty minutes. I have to admit I'm pretty glad I went and got him too because since then my apartment hasn't been so quiet and dead. It has somewhat came to life.

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