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We reached the yards of northwing international after a good four hours drive; and I must admit ,I quite enjoyed the ride.It was the last of its kind though,, just the three of us,me, mum and dad.After that, there came the pregnancies and things were never quite the same.

Anywho,Northwin is this huge school with a fence inside a fence.But you wouldn't notice that because of all the trees,flowers and stuff.It's all so natural despite being located only a few kilometers from the mining capital.

At first, I'm just staring at all the plant life but then I start comparing it to my old school.I can't help feeling a little small here.

Northwing is so big with two basketball courts,a netball court ,this huge racing track,changing rooms and other sporting facilities that Midil didn't have.Now that's just upon entering the main gates; I haven't seen the hostels or classes yet!!I bet they're spectacular.

"am I ever going to get used to this place?' I wonder to myself,"well, there's no turning back only time will tell.

"do you have any jeans?"


Any shorts,leggins or tights?"


"Are your dresses below the knees?"

"I think so,"

"Let me have a new students are always problems,"says a nun.

she's quite short with this really and I mean super extereme straight face.Her face is a very light shade of brown and she has her hair well hiden in a veil.

She's muuttering some other stuff that I don't quite get; But, what the hell, it's liked I cared.Nuns were always like that,(atleast the ones i knew anyway) so strict and uptight.

THough northwing International  isn't a cotholic school Midil secondary, it's still run by nuns which means the same old rules.Atlest i can go to my own church here, a church i hadn't in like five years if not more.

As i try to work out a way of organising my stuff,my mum can't keep herself from remiding me of just how much better Northwing is when compared to Midil.

"Oh my gosh, Jenny, they have such nice lockers here. At Midil , these were for seniors only ,right ?

"Right," I agree

"You're going to love it here, I know it"

I pray so too.

I'm supposed to share this room with three other girls but, none of them have arrived yet; so , I might be sleeping alone tonight.Don't really know if that's a good thing or could be what I need.

I hear noisy footsteps in the corridors;I think its that nun again...Well maybe not, turns out it's one off the matrons and look who she came of my new roommate (great)

Guess I'll be having company after all My roommate is dark ,really dark but that nice kind of dark brown,the one that's usually smooth.

She has moderately big eyes with a cute button nose and small lips.She's kind of pretty.Her long blue dress covers most of her body and she veils her hair in a barrette only exposing the bangs.

she looks so shy and quite...we definitely won't get alone.

hOld MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon