Chapter 2 The Fight

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Chapter 2 The Fight

Maysen's P.O.V.

I went home and did everything I needed to do before ten, so I could call Terrence. Just like old times. I called and was relieved when he answered, not that I had any doubt about him answering. We used this time to catch up on what had happened over the months that we hadn't been talking.

I tried to not talk so much about Trent but he was the only thing that made me sane without Terrence to talk to. So I decided to talk about what me and Kegan did most of the time.

A couple weeks have went by now and all me and Terrence are doing is talking all night about how our days went and what work we have to do and it's annoying me so much. I tried to be seductive and sexy but he doesn't think that it is appropriate yet. I'm 18 now, doesn't that make any difference? Hm, I guess not.

"What are you over there pouting about?" I look up at Kegan. Now, he follows me to my seat instead of his so that Trent doesn't try to push himself on me. Even after everything that happened, he still tries to make things right again. I was an idiot for ever letting him into my life.

"Terrence won't do anything sexual with me." I say placing my head on desk with a thud.

"Ew, Maysen."

"I'm serious! We used to do it all the time, now he finds it inappropriate." I say lifting my head just a bit to stare at my friend.

"Maysen, I don't want to talk to you about this." The late bell rings and I sigh in annoyance.

"This conversation isn't over." I say putting my face in my arms.

Class goes by like any other day and I find myself staring at Mr. Jackson. His ass when he turns around to write on the board. I raise my hand often to ask stupid questions, just so I could hear him say my name before turning around to demonstrate the problem again.

I've been doing this for a while now and my test grades have went from 80% averages to 101% because I am great at the extra credit.

Class ends and, I'd lie if I said I wasn't sort of sad. I wanted to pick at Terrence's mind more on the problems. Plus, I'm sort of sporting a boner right now. I stay in my seat and wait for Kegan to come to my desk. So many people have entered our lives and left during our friendship and I hope that Terrence stays.

"What's up buddy?" Kegan says leaning on my desk. I tell him to lean in so I could whisper in his ear.

"I kind of have a little problem so I need you to block me, if it's noticeable when I stand up." He looks at me with a knowing smirk.

"Sure thing, cutie."

"Don't fucking call me that, fugly ass motherfucker!" I shout while punching his arm. I stand up and look down to see that it's not noticeable at all.

"Boys." I bite my lip and shyly smile at Terrence.

"Maysen. I need to tell you something." Kegan says pulling my glaze from Terrence's. "Hey, stop eye raping the man and listen to me." I slap him before giving him my full attention.

"Bye, Mr. Jackson!" I say as we walk out of the classroom.

"So, I think that Trent knows that you and Terrence are getting back together." Kegan says while tucking me under his armpit.

"What makes you think that?" I ask as we walk out of the school.

"You make it kind of obvious. You are basically the teacher's pet and the way you look at him, like you want to suck him dry. We need to do something, he might tell." I pull from under his arm to glare at him.

My Teacher!? *Book Two* (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now