The Quarrels

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"It's this one, right here." Shane said. "Looks like a dump." Bri said. Shane raised an eyebrow. "There's nothing wrong with it"? He thought to himself. He opened the door for her. "Well, my home is your home, so, make yourself welcome." Shane stated. Bri ignored him and walked through the door without saying a word. She jumped onto the couch immediately and her hands morphed into paws and she laid down. Shane walked in behind her unsteadily. "Uh, yeah, that's where you'll be sleeping until I can buy a second bed, I guess." He said. Again, he wasn't acknowledged. The girl already had her eyes closed and was either ignoring him, or somehow already fast asleep. Shane walked to the front of the couch. "So, this is your home, too now. My bedroom and the storage rooms are to the right, the bathroom and kitchen are to the left, and, obviously we're in the living room. So uh, yeah. Welcome." Shane said. "Mhmm." Bri mumbled without moving. Shane scratched his head and went to the kitchen. The phone began ringing before he got in. He picked it up and wiped his forehead. "Hello?" He said. "Yes, is this Mr. Eller?" A male asked. "Uh, yes, speaking." Shane responded. "We seemed to have missed you at the interview today." The man stated. Shane licked his lips. "Yes, sorry about that, I wound up in the wrong building and ran into, uh, some conflict." He said as he looked at Bri asleep on his couch. "Hm, that's quite unfortunate to hear." The voice said back. "I could come back in next time you're available." Shane said shyly. "No need, we've already decided on another." The voice said back. Shane dropped the phone and put his hand to his head. "I've got a fricken Neko to take care of now, along with myself, and I'm without a job... What am I gonna do?" He thought. He hung the phone up and sat down at the kitchen table. He opened up his laptop and started searching for help wanted nearby. Bri got up and walked over to Shane. He looked up, confused. "Oh, do you need something, Bri?" He asked. "I'm hungry." She said. "Oh, well there's stuff in the fridge if you wanna-". He was cut off. "You make me something." She said sternly. "Uh, I'm kinda looking for jobs right now. Maybe in a short bit?" Shane responded. "Gosh, you're worthless." Bri snapped and went to the fridge and opened it up. Shane rubbed his eyes and then continued scrolling through the tabs on his laptop. He heard shuffling and then loud crashes. He turned around and saw a bunch of containers on the ground. "Uh, can you pick those up, please?" He asked. Bri ignored him and started fiddling around with stuff on the counter. Shane sighed and got up and picked up the containers and put them back in the fridge. He felt something hard hit his head. "Ah!" He yelled. He looked at the ground and there was a spoon laying at his feet. He looked up to Bri, and she was looking away from him. He blew air from his nose and picked the spoon up and put it back as well. He sat back down and let out another sigh. "Do you ever stop making noise?" Bri snapped. "Huh?" Shane questioned back. She scoffed and shook her head. Her ears twitched and she continued to fail at making something to eat for herself. Shane decided to get up and move to the storage room, where there was a second TV, coffee table and couch, the rest was all just boxes and clutter in the back of the room. He sat on the couch and tried to continue his hunt for a job. "Oohh, I could go here!" He said in excitement. He clicked on a link to fill out an application and got to work. A few minutes later, Bri walked in with a plate of a monstrosity. "Uh, what's on that plate?" Shane asked. "It's a sandwich, and no, you can't have any, it's for me." She said. "It looks like it could kill me, so, that's alright." Shane responded. It looked like a clump of bread mushed into a pile with lettuce poking out of it. Bri sat on the coffee table in front of him. "You've got a game console in here?" She said as she shoved some of the sandwich in her mouth. "Uhh, yeah." Shane said. Her paws morphed back to hands and she picked up the controller. "Oh, PlayStation? Xbox is better, but whatever." She said. "This girl..." Shane thought. "Uh, I kinda moved in here so I'd be out of your way." He said. "Well, you're kinda in it again, so go somewhere else." Bri snapped back. "What? But I came here first... And it's my house." Shane said back. "This isn't a house, it's a garbage dump." Bri said. "There's nothing dirty or cluttered about it!" Shane began to raise his voice. "Whatever, just go, I'm trying to play this... Thing." The girl replied carelessly. Shane's eyebrow twitched and he grabbed his laptop and left the room. He went over to the other couch and sat down on it. He closed his laptop and put it on the table in the living room. He laid his head back and closed his eyes. "This Neko is gonna make my life a living Hell." He thought to himself. Shane left his eyes closed and eventually fell asleep

The phone began ringing. Shane's eyes popped open and he got up. He ran to the phone and saw the time. "Oh geez, I was out for awhile!" He thought. He answered and it was the people from the job he applied for. "Huh? Oh yes, of course... Really? No interview..? I get the job!?! Oh, thank you, thank you!" Shane yelled. He was overjoyed to get a job just like that. "I start in three days? Yes, that's perfectly fine. Okay, thank you! Yes, goodbye." Shane said. He hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh of relief. Then, his eyes settled and he became curious. "Where's Bri?" He wondered. He walked over to the storage room and she was gone. The controller was left on the table and the TV was still on. He sighed and shut it off and put the controller under the desk that the TV was on. He left the room and saw his bedroom door was closed. He opened it up and saw Bri snuggled under the blankets on his bed. "Close the door, light's getting in, idiot." She groaned. "Uh, Bri. I said you could have the couch until I got the money to buy you a bed." Shane said. "You take the couch." Bri said. "But that's not what I said. I said it's for you, that's my bed." Shane replied. "You. Take. It." Bri snapped. Shane sighed and knew he wasn't going to win with her. He closed the door and went out to the couch. He grabbed the folded blanket on the back and laid it out and then went to sleep.

Bri opened the bedroom door and was crossing her legs. She clearly needed to go to the bathroom. She got to the middle of the room and stared at Shane who was asleep under a thin blanket. She stared a moment longer and then rushed away to the bathroom.

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