a slow song starts playing, i immediately know what it is.

"bright eyes! sick, i love them" i say. he starts to smile. god was it adorable.

"you know bright eyes?" he asks, i simply nod my head. his voice is a soft but a little raspy, cute.

what i planned to do with tyler was simply show him around, go to my favorite record shop, then take him out to eat. i don't really go out anymore since i was diagnosed, so this should be fun. right?


we park the car and start walking around.

"so tyler, i really am sorry that you have to hang out with me. i'm not that entertaining." i said.

"it's ok, i'm no fun either. it's probably because i'm quiet and am horrible at keeping a conversation going." he said.

"well i don't know a lot about you, except that you have great taste in music." i beamed. he just nodded and gave me a small smile.

we continued to walk around in silence, luckily it wasn't an awkward silence, it felt ok. i led the way to roots records and opened the door for him.

"what a gentleman." he smirked. i started to feel heat rise in my cheeks. we walked in and started looking around. then out of nowhere my friend pete shows up, he works at the shop sometimes.

"hey dun! i haven't seen you here in a long time." pete beamed. "and who's this." he smirks gesturing toward tyler.

"hey pete, this is my new neighbor tyler." i said.

"hi tyler! i'm pete." he held out his hand for tyler to shake. tyler gave a small hello and shook his hand.

"tyler and i are gonna look around for a bit. i'll come say bye before we leave." i said, he just nodded and headed back to the register.

after another 10 minutes in the story tyler found a vinyl that he wanted. it was city and colour. i told him i would buy it but he kept telling me no.

"pete! tyler found a vinyl that he wants. get your ass out here and let me pay for it." i yelled at pete.

"alright i'm coming." pete yelled back. he came back to the register and told us the price. "okay dun that's gonna be $11.50" i handed pete the money while tyler stood there. pete handed me the bag.

"thanks pete, i'll see you later. say hi to patty for me!" i waved goodbye.

"josh you really didn't have to buy that for me." tyler said quietly, i handed him his bag and shrugged.

"really it's nothing." i beamed.

"thank you though." tyler said.

"don't worry about. you hungry? i'm starving." i said.

"i could eat." he said.


tyler's pov
after the record shop, josh led me to a nice diner. it wasn't busy but kinda small and cozy, i like it.

"so tyler joseph tell me somethin' about yourself." josh said.

i looked up at him,
big mistake.
he looked me right in the eye and i gulped. god those eyes are the death of me, so is that damn smile.

"well um, there's not really nothing to know. i uh m-moved here from philadelphia, um i'm 17, i l-love music." why am i stuttering? c'mon tyler you got this. "as you know i can play the piano, but i also play the ukulele. sometimes i write songs and attempt to sing. personally i think it sounds like shit, but my mom likes it."

he just started at me and smiled. he gave me a small chuckle.

"okay well sorry about creeping and looking through your window. you play very well, actually you killed it. sorry for interrupting you my friend brendon called me. but c'mon tyler there's gotta be more than that to know." he said.

"huh not really, i live a boring life josh. what is there to know about you?" i said. i'm slowly starting to feel comfortable around him.

god josh's great.

a/n: this is a longer chapter because why not. the next chapter will continue from where they left off. thanks for 200+ reads and for voting.

love bug; joshlerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz