Chapter 5: Telling Him

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Mark's POV:
I woke up and saw the bright sun shine on my face. I looked at the time and saw that it was 1:30. I decided to text Jack to see if he was awake.
M: Jack? Are u awake?
About 5 minutes later, my phone buzzed.
J: I am now
M: Sorry about that
J: No its ok. I needed to wake up anyways.
M: Oh. Well since its the weekend, do you wanna hang out today?
J: Sure!
M: Awesome! See you later!
J: See ya!
Well, I guess I better take a shower.
~5 minutes later~
I got out of the shower and put on my blue shirt, my black shorts, and my red converses. I went downstairs to go eat breakfast. I decided to ask my mom could I hang out with Jack.
"Hey Mom?"
"Yes Mark?"
"Can I hang out with a friend today?"
"What friend?"
"Jack, the boy I told you about."
"Well of course you can!"
"Thanks mom."
I decided to have a bowl of cereal and a banana.

Jack's POV:
I took a shower and got dressed.
I put on my green shirt, blue jeans, and my dark blue vans. I went downstairs and saw that my mom was gone already. I decided to eat breakfast. After that, I decided to text Mark.
J: Well, I'm ready when you are.
M: Ok. Be there soon.
I decided that it would be the perfect opportunity to tell him that I was gay. I hoped that he would except and still wanna be my friend. I had a friend until I lost him when I told him I was gay.
~Jack's flashback~
I was hanging out with my friend  Aaron when we stopped walking.
"Why did we stop walking?" Said Aaron.
"Aaron, I have to tell you something."
"Go ahead."
I took a deep breath and said the 3 words thst ruined our friendship.
"Aaron, I'm gay."
He looked at me with a look of disgust on his face.
"I cant believe that I was friends with a faggot."
Those words hurt me so much because I thought he was a true friend. He walked away and went home crying.
~End of flashback~
I just hoped that my friendship with Mark wouldn't end. I snapped out of these thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. That must be Mark. I hope this goes well.
I opened the door and saw Mark with a smile on his face.
"Hey Jack! Ready to go?"
"Yeah! Lets go."
We proceeded to walk, but then I realized that he never said where we were going.
"Mark? Where exactly are we going?"
He looked at me and smiled.
"We're going to a park nearby so we can..... ya know...... hang out."
I was glad we were going to a park. That would give me the opportunity to tell him. After about 10 minutes of talking and laughing, we arrived at the park. As soon as we got there, I went to one of the swings. Mark laughed and went behind me and started pushing me. We talked and laughed and we had fun. Afterwards, I told him to sit on the swing beside me. I was nervous and I was shaky. I bulit up the courage to say something.
"Mark, there is something I wanna tell you, but first, do you promise that we will still be friends?"
"Of course we'll still be friends."
Those words helped me calm down a little.
"Mark, I've been wanting to tell you for a little while now and I figured today was a good day. Mark........."
I paused, swallowing the fear I had.
".......I'm gay."
As soon as I said it, I was scared that he wouldn't except me and we wouldn't be friends anymore. I figured he wouldn't wanna be friends with me. That he would just tell me that he was disgusted by me and that we wouldn't be friends anymore. But what surprised me is what he did. He hugged me and said something that I wished Aaron would've said to me:
"I'll always be your friend, no matter what."
I smiled and we hugged for a while before getting up. We decided to head home. We were talking and laughing and I was happy. I was happy that I had a friend who accepted me and who wouldn't leave me for my sexuality. When we reached my house, I decided to ask him the one question I've never asked anyone in my life:

"Do you wanna spend the night at my house?"
Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know if you liked it by leaving a comment and hitting that vote button. I would also like to put other people in this story! So if you want to be in this story, plz let me know and I will do it.

That's it for now.


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