.:Tagged once again:.

288 4 5

Got tagged by both #Akane_Mogeko & #Emalf_Lover (My link thing isn't working QwQ).

Right~! Let's do this!


Right, since I have been tagged twice, I will reveal 10 facts of me instead of 5. :3

1. Just for those who don't know still, I'm definitely female. X'D

2. I got into Mogeko 2 years by a friend who recommended me to watch WATGBS. :3

3. Out of all the characters from Mogeko, I'm the same height as Siralos & Etihw. :)

4. Like Siralos (Sadly), Same height, Have a weird hair curve similar to his and have red glasses O~O Shoot me.

5. I'm a cosplayer :3 (Secret to everyone, I'm doing Ivlis for my next con :3)

6. Loves anime a little too much. X'DD

7. Favourite Food: Anything that is a sweet XDD Favourite Drink: Hot chocolate. X3

8. Has been officially called a 'Lolita' Q~Q And a little bit of a tsundere. (Great, I'm literally Kcalb's Genderbend XDD).

9. Been mistaken for looking like a guy. X'DD



Now I got to tag 15 peeps >3











.....I got no idea who else to put on Q~Q I went through my followers list as well. I need more friends <X'3

Hope you have enjoyed this~!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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