new school

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Hello guys my name is Katalin Katy for short.Anyways I've recently been moved to a new school Rydel high it's not the best school but I will manage. So I was running late to class like always and the teacher had said everyone this is Katalin I told her Katy for short. She said yea ok ur partner will be Marcos. I didn't see Marcos but when I did dam can I say he was hot.. I sat down and my teacher told us to get to know our partners and of course mine was Marcos....
Our conversation started....
M:hey my name is Marcos which u probably already know

K:hey Im Katy nice to meet u

M: can I just say ur really pretty but I don't mean to make things awkward .

K:ur not

Marcos looked at me and started to turn red people in the school told me he was a fuckboy so not to trust everything he said.

*later that day*
After school Marcos caught up to me he asked if I wanted to hang out I told him yea I would love to
He said alright later today if that's fine with u I told him yea.

*Marcos pro*
Omg she's really cute I think she's my one I never felt this way about someone Im glad she said yes anyways I told her if she likes surprises and she said yea I was gonna surprise her with a necklace hopefully she likes it

Katy my mom said... I told her what mom she said that boy ur going on a date with is here omg she couldn't find another way to embarrass me... I went down stairs and we left we went to the movies and watched the purge (best movie ever) anyways when we left the movies I didn't have to be home till another 30 mins so we waited in the car outside he told me Katy I really do like u and Ik we have only known each other for a day but I think we can make us work I told him I don't think we can maybe we should wait a bit while longer and he respected that well I got out the car and about to walk inside until I caught myself going to him and hugging him next thing Ik were kissing I loved it tho it was great so I went inside and fell asleep

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