Chapter 1

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It is a windy autumn Saturday morning in the middle of October. Colorful leaves fall down off of trees littering the streets. Anneliese walks on the brick side walk to the local café called, Vier Ecken Café. It is this little café run by this German family over the years. She goes there every Saturday and Sunday morning.

She walks through the glass door with the logo on it and stands in line. The café was little with beige walls with white cursive writing along the walls. The floor is made up black tiles. There is a small chandelier hanging from the white ceiling. There is the sound of people talking and coffee brewing all around. The smell of coffee and pastries fill her nose.

She looks over the two people in front of her to see the cashier. The cashier is a girl with long white hair and was wearing a dark blue cap with the white logo on it. She has skin pale as snow and had some muscle on her. She is wearing a plain red shirt and apron which was splattered with a liquid presumably coffee and flour.

Anneliese is so captivated by the new cashier. She has never seen her before out of all the times she has gone to this café. Anneliese is staring at the girl when she calls for the next customer. Anneliese quickly snaps out of it and walked up to the cash register.

"Howdy doodie, how are you to-" The cashier looks up from the cash register. "Dammmnnn."

Anneliese looks at her with confusion.

"Excuse me?" She asks.

"My name is Julchen and what is your order lovely lady?" Says Julchen as she checks Anneliese out.

Anneliese struggles to get the order out at first but eventually does.

"And what is your name birdie?" Asks Julchen.

"Anneliese," answers Anneliese.

"Got it." Julchen finishes writing down the order on a sheet of paper. "That will be €4 please."

Anneliese hands her the money.

"Have a wonderful day love," exclaims Julchen as she hands the order to the other female working there.

"You too," says Anneliese quietly as she walks to one of the metal chairs and table next to the front window.

She stares out of the window for a bit staring off into space. Cars drive up and down the street and people walk in and out of the shops littering the little street. A group of boys ride their bicycles on the side of the street chasing each other. A couple kisses each other across the street.

Julchen comes running up to Anneliese's table with a coffee cup and a bag. As quickly as she came, she was gone quicker.

'What a peculiar lady,' thought Anneliese.

She opens up her pastry bag and takes out her aphelstrudel. As she pulls it out, a piece of paper comes out with it. She picks it up and unfolds it to inspect it. It has writing on it.

Dear schnucki,

You are by far the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen. And obviously, you are captivated by my beauty so you will probably want to see each other some time again. How about I take you on a date so that we can get to know each other.
Here's my number so that we can schedule it.
Call me anytime :)

Anneliese is very flattered by this. She looks up at Julchen. She is leaning on the counter, biting her lip, and. Nodding her head. She brought both of her hands up and did fake guns at her and winking. She promptly fell over right afterwards spilling a coffee on her.

Anneliese could not help but to chuckle.

'What a goof,' she thought.

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