Nodding, Senea kept her lips sealed tight, eyes never landing on Lord Snowthorne. She knew he was right, and chastised herself for being so stubborn towards the man yet again. Magnar touched her elbow once, searching her face before turning away from her. "I assume we will be leaving tomorrow?"

Lady Elika stepped forward, coiling an arm around Senea's. "I'll take her to write the missives. Magnere, you'll speak with Orwen and Gwen about staying?"

"Of course."

She nodded and began walking, practically dragging the Queen in line. "Magnar, have her handmaidens pack her things. Ylva, Zephir, I suggest you start do the same."

Lord Snowthorne adjusted himself on his steed, the sire of Cobalt

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Lord Snowthorne adjusted himself on his steed, the sire of Cobalt. It looked far more menacing than the black horse Senea was accustomed to, and by the way his nostrils flared, she didn't want to find out if looks could be deceiving. She stared at the two horses leading a cart with four large crates strapped tightly in place with ropes.

"It'll be a long ride, Lord Braund," Lord Snowthorne said as he held the reins in one hand, soothing his horse with the other.

Allard adjusted himself on the saddle, stroking his brindled horse with affection. "Not as long as it would take to Pryston, but thank you for the concern, Lord Commander." He grinned as he watched Senea walk towards her own horse, her fingers massaging the neck of the mare. "Besides, this is far better company than my father."

Lord Snowthorne quirked a brow and shifted his gaze to follow Allard's. His throat became thick with worry before redirecting his eyes forward. "You fancy her, do you? Why else ask for a kiss?"

"You heard?" Allard laughed before moving himself closer to the Lord Commander. "I do, but I assume she has had plenty of suitors these past few months."

"Some were bold enough to challenge the winter storms, yes." Lord Snowthorne adjusted in his seat, twisting so he could better look at Allard. "I will give you the same answer I gave them. I will not be bribed, I will not be persuaded, and I will not be bullied into placing any name forward or backing any name at the Council meeting when it happens. My thoughts are focused on what is good for the kingdom."

"Of course, Lord Commander. While the idea has been on my mind, I won't lie," he responded with a grin as Magnar moved from Cobalt to assist Senea, "I do think I am the best candidate."

A 'hmph' was the only noise that came from Lord Snowthorne's mouth. He considered it for a moment, curious as to what the answer could be. "What makes you the best candidate?"

"I was good enough for Lady Arene."

It was a bold move to bring up the beloved daughter of Lord Snowthorne. Stupid, if the tightening of Lord Snowthorne's muscles were to be read, but bold. "As I said -"

"Let me convince you, then, Lord Commander. I will not bribe you, nor could I ever imagine that I could bully you. But I believe I can persuade you if given the chance."

The War of The Magi : Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now