A spark of hope

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Goshe POV:

"This is boring." Hoshi complained, sprawled out on the couch in the lounge.

Kasei rolled his eyes, having heard her complain nonstop for several moments now.

"Aye, shut up already. If you are so bored than go train with Tremo and Kalo."

Hoshi glanced over at him and mimicked his eyeroll mockingly. " They aren't training, they're meditating."

Hoshi enlongated the last syllable as Tremo had when he asked us if we wanted to join him. Apparently his people meditated after every battle, especially when they were stressed, which Tremo seemed to be. Kalo was the only other member of our team that found meditating to be intriguing and relaxing, thus leaving the rest of the squad to boredly lay around the high class common room. We had no missions to attend to and had just returned from morning training. We were all stumped as to what to do.

Kasei sighed and looked at me, hoping that I could somehow shut her up. I cast him an apologetic smile. There was no way to get her to behave when she was bored. I guessed that she got that irritating trait from her impatient and short tempered father.

"Let's go eat then." Hoshi suggested, shifting so her legs were strewn over the back of the couch and her head was hanging over the plush white leather cusions, her spiky black hair brushing against the spotless white marble floor.

"We just had breakfast an hour ago." Jeice pointed out from beside me. "Lunch won't be served for several more hours at the least."

That statement caused another large groan to erupt from Hoshi and she stared impatiently at the open door across from her and behind Jeice and I.

"Then let's......"

Her voice suddently caught and silence filled the room. Her eyes were wide and unblinking as she stared intensively at something in the doorway. Jeice and I exchanged curious looks and glanced over our shoulders to see what surprised Hoshi to such an extent.

Jeice instinctively stiffened and I felt my heart begin to beat faster, a cold feeling drenching my body as I saw what startled Hoshi. Standing in the doorway was a smirking Nato, although that wasn't what caught my attention. Standing behind him were two men, one rivaling his height and the other several inches shorter. Both were sayians with their trademark spiky hair. I clenched my fists beside me, attempting to hide the overwhelming relief I felt to see them. My father and Vegeta.

Goku POV:

He smiled brightly as he saw Hoshi and Goshe, sitting in what appeared to be something like a living room. He was aware of the other alien's presence in the room, but he didn't care. Without thinking he ran over and embraced Goshe, extremely relieved, yet surprised to find her and Hoshi there. Behind him he could feel Vegeta's cold glare, causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand up, but he didn't care. Not now. They finally found the girls again.

Within a moment he felt Vegeta yank him back by his hair and a young alien stepped in between him and Goshe, almost protectively. Goku studied the red skinned alien for a moment, wondering where he had seen him before. He looked extremely familiar.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Vegeta hissed in his ear. "Are you trying to ruin everything already?!"

He glanced back at the irritated Sayian, confused. What was he ruining? Wasn't Vegeta as happy as he was to see the girls?

"So you do know one another." Nato grinned, causing Goku to change his focus to his new team leader. " I figured as much. Goshe and Isamu, as well as Osumu and Hoshi look awfully similar."

Goku heard Vegeta curse under his breath and he stiffened as he suddenly realized why Vegeta was so outraged by his action. He remembered several stories Vegeta had told him pertaining to living on Frieza's ship. The few stories he managed to pry from the stubborn prince. At one point he had asked him why families didn't join the ship. It was beyond Goku why someone wouldn't bring their families with them, especially considering the planet's cruel fate once Frieza was done with it. The prince had informed him that he was an idiot before telling him that other members of the ship, as well as Frieza, found such a group to be too big a weakness. Families tended to be protective of one another, which ultimately ended in them needlessly risking their life for another member of the group. That was very unfavorable on a ship where the motto was 'Every man for himself".

Goku opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by Vegeta's glare. Thinking better than to continue running his mouth, he closed his mouth again and nervously glanced around the room, uncertain as to what to say now.

The red skinned man eyed him and Vegeta suspiciously, his protective stance unwavering.

Goshe stepped forward and gave the alien a reassuring smile.

"This is my...." She hesitated for a moment, almost as though she was contemplating whether or not to admit their degree of relation.

"Comrade." Hoshi interrupted right as Goshe was about to say father. "They helped train our class in Planet Vegeta."

Goshe Pov:

I looked over at Hoshi, slightly shocked by her sudden interruption, yet thankful at the same time. I wasn't quite certain how admitting that they were related to us would go.

I glanced over at Jeice and saw him relax at Hoshi's words, amused by his attitude. I wasn't aware that he was the protective type.

"Comrade?" Nato's smile disappeared for a moment before reappearing, an unbelieving look in his eyes. "Is that so? How nice for you then."

Kasei cleared his throat, seemingly tired of this conversation.

"Nato, you and your team aren't allowed to be in here. Leave before I inform the higher ups of your disobedience."

Nato shot a disdainful glare at Kasei before reluctantly obeying.

"Fine." He glanced at Hoshi and I before leaving the room, My father and Vegeta reluctantly following him as he left. "But this isn't over. Not even close."

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