first day

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Okay so on the first day I go inside of my classroom thinking that I'm still going to have the same friends that I had last year but it seems that I was very wrong because my friend's best friend was in our class so you know where there's times where you act different around different type of friends  you might act chill and stuff with your fun friend when you're with you know more of your more mature friend you start acting a little more mature like them so me thinking that I will still have my same friends I had a friend and she was at the school for about I don't know like 2 weeks but then she had to move so I was sad about that  because one of my best friends had moved during like the end of the year I had a friend and his name was blank I'm sorry I cannot tell you the name okay so yeah  and we weren't  best friends we were more like the two type of friends that will make the group more so fun but we eventually stop being friends because you know popularity gets inside the way and the thing is just break apart so now we have to talk to him like the whole summer and  4 weeks I think or three weeks so that is my first day experience really little bit so I'm practically it's just going to be you know all about my whole year how things get together because I really need something just to express all of my feelings so I don't just ball them up inside and they make me very angry and I start you know getting mad✌✌

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