Teenage Mediocrity

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"So how were your classes today Brother?'' Al asked during the last period of the day PE, only to see his brother make a face, "Just Peachy.'' He huffed as they waited for their PE teacher Armstrong, ''Doesn't sound like it went great...'', ''That's because he got in trouble-'' Winry started but was cut off when a familiar duo terrorized Edward just screamed when the amethyst eyed male jumped on him again, dropping him on the floor making Al make a face sighing. ''He got in trouble cause of those two...'' The blonde said with a heavy sigh, ''Of course... But what did Mr. Mustang tell Brother?'', ''He was about to flip his lid on him, but than that English teacher walked in at that moment telling him to relax otherwise his anger would of gotten him sick.'' Ling cut in as Edward screamed when Envy harassed him lightly, ''KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY WILL YOU!'' Winry shouted to Envy making him pause. ''Jeez, no need to yell in my ear blondie...'' Envy huffed getting off the blonde under him, ''Yeah, but did you notice how he kept looking at the Pipsqueak?'' He said seeing Ling nod, ''The way he looks at my brother?'' Al said with 'Are you kidding' face, ''Okay, so he picks on Ed a lot, but that doesn't mean anything.'' Winry quickly cut off getting up when seeing May Chang and Lan Fan running over to them with a wave. ''Women...'' Envy huffed, ''Well I don't have any complaints about Lan Fan.'' Ling said with a smile opening an eye seeing the other in PE uniform shutting his eye back, ''None at all...'', ''That damn teacher just hates me.'' Edward huffed sitting up pausing when hearing Armstrong's whistle signaling them to line up, ''Eww... He's making us run laps today...'' The palm haired male said sticking his tongue out in disgust. ''I think I'm just going to fake this one and go with the school nurse~'', ''Again?'' The blonde said with Al getting up shaking his head, ''What Lust is a nice person.'', ''You mean the only thing you look at is her boobs.'' Edward said following after Al but paused when seeing a familiar teacher gripping his head as he spoke to Armstrong, ''You didn't give Mustang a migraine did you Brother?...'', ''Yes he did.'' Ling said shaking his head. The over built teacher reached into his pocket handing the raven haired teacher an aspirin before looking over to Edward, ''Elric!'', ''Great... Even here I get screamed at.'' The blonde said making a face walking over slowly, ''You're starting the laps today!'', ''What? Hell no!'' Making the health teacher look over to Edward before shaking his head and walking away, ''Thanks Armstrong, I owe you.''. ''So Edward gave you a migraine, I take it?'' A blonde female history teacher said when seeing her coworker walk by in the hall with a cup of water in his hand, ''Ah Riza... He did actually...'' The raven haired male said sighing still feeling his head throb despite taking the aspirin, ''I just don't understand how someone can be failing Health?'', ''Failing? Maybe tutoring him yourself?'' Riza suggested before hurrying back to her class since she had already made copies of some worksheets, ''Personal Tutoring?...''.

''Man I'm so tired after all those damn laps...'' Edward whined the next morning feeling body tired yawning with his ear piece in his right hear listening to music, with his brother making a face, ''You asked for that though, and maybe you should watch where you're walking-!'' The younger brother started but was cut off when his brother bumped into someone dropping them on the floor bumping their foreheads roughly. ''Oww... That fucking hurt...'' The small blonde groaned in pain sitting up on the unknown person's lap putting his hand over his swelled forehead, ''Language Elric...'' A familiar voice said making Edward look down to see he had fallen on his Health teacher making him blush slightly, ''M-Mustang...'', "If you could kindly get off me, That would be great...'' The raven haired teacher said with a huff making a face gripping his forehead. ''Jesus... I just got over a migraine yesterday, now this?...'' Making Al sigh when Winry and company came around behind him, along with their English teacher, ''Roy, Are you alright?'' Jean asked helping Roy up after Edward got off him almost quickly, ''I'm fine... Just help me pick up these papers.'' he said quickly picking up the papers heaving a sigh when they were a mess in his arms, ''Great, I have to fix these before class starts...'' Making Edward feel bad when he left for the class. ''You really know how to get under his skin don't you Edward?'' Ling questioned standing next to him, ''More like knows how to get on top of him.'' Envy commented with a grin bringing a visible blush to Edward's face, ''Why you-!'', ''Not today Edward.'' Winry quickly cut in getting in between the guys standing in front the blonde who just blushed more when seeing his friend's shirt was buttoned wrong. ''U-Um... W-Win...'' He stammered making Al and the other's notice why he had looked away confusing the female blonde, ''Hmm? Ed, what's your problem today?'' Winry questioned confused, ''What the Pipsqueak is trying to say is your shirt is buttoned crooked and you can see your bra.'' Envy said without hesitation with the blonde looking down at her shirt screaming when seeing he was right hitting him in the face. ''Why did I rush this morning!'' She said running off with Lan Fan and May Chang following after her, ''Nice one Envy.'' Ling said with a laugh as the palm haired male was on the floor groaning in pain, ''I only said it because SOMEONE was too much of a little bitch to tell her.'' He said referring to Edward who made a face despite his still visible blush, ''What the fuck did you call me Palm Tree?!?!'', ''Winry is right Brother, shut up.'' Al said grabbing his older brother by the ear and dragging him off, ''You two better not get Brother in trouble today.'' He warned the two trouble making friends who just shrugged. ''Let's get you to class before you cause more of a scene than you already did.'' The younger brother said as the bell rang, ''You're a Senior, why can't you act like one.'', ''A senior taking a health class.'' Envy called out angering Edward who was going to say something till Al pulled his ear, ''Down boy. Seriously you need to control yourself.'' Al said with a heavy sigh hearing Edward mumble angrily, ''This is why Mr. Mustang is hard on you... You should probably also apologize about falling on him and dropping his papers earlier.''.

  ''So Class, put everything away except a pencil. We're having a test on yesterdays lesson.'' Roy said once class started hearing the class groan passing out the tests hearing a familiar student whine, ''...Are you kidding me?'', ''Well Edward, if you paid attention to yesterdays lesson than you shouldn't have a problem.'' The raven haired teacher said simply fixing his glasses in place again, ''And you three better not talk.'' Looking over to Ling and Envy who just stood quiet, ''No, Sir.'' Ling said in his usual witty tone making Roy roll his eyes and sigh. ''Alright, you can begin.'' He said after passing out all the tests standing in front of his desk, ''And don't even think of cheating, I know all the tricks already.'' He added looking up, ''And when you finish, just bring it up to me.'' Going quiet as everyone started on their tests with the blonde making a face once he looked at the material on the paper since he didn't pay attention to the lesson once, ''Shit...''. Edward was the first to turn in his test first about twenty minutes later with the raven haired male glancing up at him bringing a small tinge of blush to his face when remembering that he had fallen on his teacher earlier, ''Thank you.'' Roy said simply taking the test from his student with their hands touching at that moment surprising both males getting the blonde nervous almost immediately pulling his hand apologizing, ''S-Sorry!'' Going back to his desk with Envy noticing the blonde's flustered expression getting bothered. ''Seems everyone is done, so we'll get on with todays lesson.'' The dark eyed teacher finished putting the pile of tests to the side fixing his glasses again pausing a moment, ''Actually... Winry, once everyone opens their textbooks can you start reading the rest of yesterday's lesson?'' He asked looking over to the blonde who just smile brightly, ''Yes Sir.'' Winry said opening her health book. ''Fucking teacher's pet...'' Envy said with an annoyed huff as Roy took about a few minutes to quickly correct the tests as Winry  reaching the last test, Edward's test going over it making a face heaving a sigh after correcting most of it making Edward notice and panic internally when feeling his teacher glance over to him, ''Thank you Winry.'' Roy said with the female blonde nodding, ''So we'll finish up this lesson on the immune system today and go over the test results.'' He said going on with the lesson with a few minutes to spare for the bell. ''So for the record most of you did well.'' Roy started walking in front of his desk hands in his pockets, ''With the exception of the usual few who didn't do well.'' He said with Edward knowing well he was referring to him making a face, ''But I believe those of you who did bad can do better next time.'' He finished with the bell ringing at that moment and every one getting up to head for their next class, ''See you all tomorrow.''. Edward who had gotten up ready to run out the door but paused when hearing Roy call to him again, ''Edward, you should try studying next time, I can't stress that enough.'' He said going over to the small student who just looked down making a face, ''Edward... I know you're a great student... I've asked all your teachers... But with my class you're just so... difficult. I understand you don't like me but the least you can do is try in this class Edward.'' He said simply before going back to fix his desk leaving Edward quiet.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now