Chapter Two- Meeting the Band

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Luke's POV
We had one more person that we were meeting, and then we would be finished. A teenage girl came in, quiet and nervous. Joel and I stood, and I held out my hand.

"Hello. I'm Luke, and this is my brother, Joel." She smiled, but I couldn't help but notice she flinched when I stood.

"Hi. My name's Rebecca." I smiled at her gently.
"Really? That's our older sister's name." She laughed quietly.
"Really? That's funny. It's really nice to meet you." Joel grinned.
"It's quite nice to meet you too, love. Let me guess. You're....16." She giggled.
"Not quite. I just turned 13 about a month ago." He looked shocked.
"Really? You look older than you are." She chuckled again.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Joel opened his mouth to say something, when the door swung open, and Jude ran in.

"Daddy!" He ran to me, climbing on my lap.
"Jude, where's your mum?" Joel asked, and Rebecca looked shocked. He looked at her, and waved.
"I see you today wif mama and Pete!" She chuckled, smiling.
"I remember." She said quietly, looking at him. I smiled gently.
"My wife, Courtney, told me she ran into someone today. It was you wasn't it?" She nodded, and Courtney came in to get him. They smiled and waved at each other, and Courtney kissed me and left.

"I was trying to remember where I'd seen her before, and now I remember. It was in a music video." I nodded, and Joel wasn't ok with the ten seconds of silence that followed.

"So, Rebecca, are you here with anyone?" She shook her head quickly.
"No. My foster dad doesn't know I'm here, and it's a good thing. If he finds out I'm here...." Her voice trailed off and she shook her head again.
"Never mind. Could...could I get a picture with the two of you?" I nodded, and Joel took a picture of the two if us, and I did the same for her and Joel. We talked for a few minutes, and then we said goodbye. We discovered she had all four of our cds, along with one from the old days of the band, before it was For King And Country. As she left, I decided to quietly follow her. There had been something about her that scared and troubled me. After about ten minutes, we got to a more run-down area of the city. She got to a house, and moments later, a car pulled up. She bolted, but the man in there grabbed her arm.

"Where have you been, you little rat?! Get inside, brat!" He screamed at her, and I made my decision.
"Hey!" I called, coming into view. Her eyes widened, and she tried to get away.
"What do you want, ya ******?" That just made me even more mad.
"You shouldn't be treating her that way." She pulled away, kicking him in a sensitive spot, and I even winced. She ran inside, and he followed after a minute. I waited for a couple minutes, calling the police. After I got off the phone, she scrambled out the window, a large purple backpack on her shoulders. The police cars screamed up, and within minutes, he was arrested and another girl, Emma, was also brought out.

"Mr. Smallbone?" I looked up, and saw an officer coming towards me.
"Yes?" A terrified, shaking Rebecca was coming with her, nearly in tears.
"She wouldn't let us send her back with her social worker. Would you be willing to take her for at least a couple weeks?" I texted Courtney, quickly asking her.

"My wife said that would be fine. So yes, that would be okay." We went through a few things, and I signed a couple papers. Within a half-hour, Courtney and I were Rebecca's foster parents. We headed back, and I got quite a shocked look from Joel, until I explained everything. We cleaned up, got back on the bus to head home, and with one minutes Rebecca was asleep. Courtney came up behind me, and wrapped her arms around my waist, smiling slightly.

"I haven't known her for long, but I can already tell I'm going to love her." She whispered. I turned, kissing her.
"I already do. She reminds me of you when we first met. And just from what I saw tonight, I can tell she's had a rough past. It's going to take a lot of care for this little flower to bloom." We got to the house, and we didn't want to wake her, so I just carried her inside and put her in the guest bed. I put her bag beside the bed, and pulled the covers over her. I know I'm not the strongest person in the world, but even then, she was very light, and that worried me. Either she was just that way, she didn't have enough to eat, she was sick, or a combination of those.

"They're not ever going to be able to hurt you again, Rebecca. I promise."

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