18. Chaos and Order in Russia

Start from the beginning

Of course, I had to


with some things after dinner and Jeremy usually made it a point to not


with crime things on Sunday but we couldn't help it. We had an execution to complete and just finished the fucker off in the woods behind the house. No one would



My father and I saw each other throughout the week and Pattie tried to force us back on good terms but I didn't care. I wasn't going to do what he wanted just because he didn't like Maddie. That wasn't my problem. Everyone else loved her, minus Bridget but she was a major bitch anyway so I didn't really


her to.

My father on the other hand, I thought would at least have some composure but instead, he interrogated Maddie like she was

on death


He wouldn't tell me what he asked her about but I got the general idea from Maddie when I took her out to dinner the next night. She told me that she was terrified of him but held her ground pretty well, which I knew she would but it still made me mad.

I had never been so angry at my father before and I was about to rip my hair out from just looking at him but I thankfully had Maddie to keep me calm. Since she was in school, it wasn't like we could spend all day together but I had her all to myself during the nights. I would literally scratch my skin until five in the afternoon when I could speed to her


to pick her up for dinner.

We went to Carmel with Olivia and Finn a couple of times, I took her to some of my favorite places around the city and one night, she just wanted to sit in her


and eat


so that's what we did. I was still hesitant to even step foot in that shit hole but I kept my mouth shut.

I still didn't know how to be a boyfriend and all of this was very new to me but Maddie was patient. What surprised me the most about Maddie was that she didn't put up with any of my bullshit. I knew I had a short temper and on several occasions I blew up, not necessarily at her but I couldn't help myself when waiters spilled shit in my lap or when men eyed Maddie up with lustful glances.

It was a wonder that I hadn't killed anybody this week.

I quickly found out that Maddie was

the best

part of my day. She made me actually laugh and I was able to let my guard down with her although I had to put it right back up when people came around. I was still trying to learn how to

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