17. Heaven Hell and Purgatory

Start from the beginning

"Special friend?"

"That's the word he used when I asked, being nosy as usual. He didn't want to use the word 'girlfriend' but I knew what he meant."

"Okay, we'll get back to your butting into my business later but what the hell are you talking about with all these clothes." I shifted them on the rack.

"Oh yeah, well Justin called me yesterday and he asked me if I could go shopping for you."

"For what?"

"For church. If I have to say it one more time, I'm going to scream." She rolled her eyes.

First of all, Justin knew that I didn't like gifts and I sure as hell didn't like clothes. This was more than curious to me and I was going to have a long talk with him about getting me a whole rack of clothes. That was not going to work.

Second, I hadn't been to church in years. With Rebecca being obsessed with a new religion every week and Freddie spending his worship time on a fishing boat, I didn't really have piety very high on my priority list. Furthermore, I had a laundry list of things in my head that would dispel the fact that Justin was religious himself. I didn't have anything against religion but I just didn't practice it that often. I believed in a higher being although I didn't know what was up in that massive expanse above us.

"I don't think I belong in a church." I shook my head.

"I know they don't act like it but their family is very religious. Finn said he hasn't missed a Sunday of church since he was three."

"Okay, that's great but why do I need to go." I got back in bed.

"Like I said, you can't be with a Bieber and not go to church." Olivia ripped the sheets off of me, "Do you need to shower?" She went to the rack and thumbed through the clothes.

"No, I took one last night."

"Well good, I need to pick you something that will make you stand out."

I pouted in bed, "Are you going?"

"Yup, I went last week too. It's fun. I haven't been to church in years." She actually giggled, "It's only an hour."

"But...they're Catholic, aren't they?"

"Yeah, so." She said without looking at me.

"It's not like I care but I haven't been to a Catholic service in...a really long time."

I thought back to the one semester of Catholic school that I went to in Phoenix when Rebecca demanded that I try it. Thankfully, I left for Thorp after a couple of months so I didn't have to deal with the torture for too long.

"Neither have I but there's no going back now." Olivia replied giddily with a smile and continued to look through the clothes.

My phone vibrated on my nightstand and I snatched it up angrily.

Good morning, beautiful. I trust that you're up by now.-J

He had the nerve to text me right now?

Don't talk to me. I have a few things to say to you but since I have to attend church today, I'll refrain until tomorrow.-M

I got a reply twenty seconds later.

Oh, Maddie. You're wonderful wit is even more delightful in the early morning hours. I'll be there in about an hour. Mass starts at eight. Be ready with a smile.-J

I hate you.-M

I texted back and put my phone on silent so that I wouldn't have to hear from him until later.

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