12. Master and Commander

Start from the beginning

On a whim, when I dropped her off, I decided to just go in for the kill. I kissed the hell out of Maddie and in a world where I was always the predator, I suddenly felt like prey at her lips. The way she gripped my hair and the taste of her tongue was enough to spur me on. I would have laid her down on thepavement and pounded into her right there if I didn't have any class. She was so sexy and didn't even know it. That was the most intriguing thing about her.

Spending time with Maddie had suddenly went from a chore to a desire.

Of course that didn't mean that I didn't have needs. I called one of my favorite girls over last night so that I could have a roll around but it surprisingly wasn't enjoyable. She left an hour after she stepped into my apartment and I sat on my couch, smoking a cigar with a raging libido that hadn't calmed down since I met Maddie. I knew it would never be truly satiated until I had her.

I made it a point to just be with Maddie and not think about having her. When she was ready, she would tell me and then the experience would be even better. The only problem was that I had never done this before. I didn't have friends who were girls. Is that what we were, friends?

Friends didn't kiss like we had last night. Friends don't fantasize about each other.

This posed a problem for me. I had never actually wanted to spend time with a woman outside of bed but Maddie's siren call was too much for me to ignore.

I decided to keep up my romancing. If nothing else, I could show her that I wasn't a complete jackass like I had been the previous times we met. Something about me wanted to make her see that I could be nice even though I usually wasn't nice. I had never acted this way towards a woman and it was slightly unnerving but I just decided to not fight this. Being romantic would obviously get me the best fuck of my life so that was what I was going to do.

After I took Maddie's roses over this morning, I came back to my building and worked out downstairs for a good two hours to burn off the frustration in my body. By the time I made it back up to my penthouse, showered, shaved, dressed and drank a cup of coffee, it was nine. Maddie should be calling any second.

I tapped my fingers in rhythm on the granite countertop with my cellphone next to me.

I waited, just staring at the thing for half an hour and debated to call her or not. I had made the first move so now it was her turn.

A sharp ringing sounded through the kitchen and a sly smile appeared on my lips. I waited as to not appear too eager.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hello." Maddie's sweet voice came over the other end.

"I was wondering when I was going to hear from you." And I found that I was actually glad to hear from her.

"I had to figure out how to thank a certain man for sending me the most beautiful roses...again."

"Really? More competition for me to deal with?"

"Yes, you might need to up the romance factor. I'm hot stuff."

"You have no idea." I spoke softly and pointedly.

She was silent for a couple of seconds, "I looked up the color orange when I got the flowers."

"And what did they mean?"

"Desire and passion." She answered simply.

"Can you blame me for jumping the gun? You were absolutely stunning last night and it was all I could do to not..." I couldn't even finish that sentence.

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