2. Letting Go is Harder Than it Seems

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2. Letting Go is Harder Than it Seems

A month had past since Robin's death. A month had past since the last time they had seen Slade. A month had past since she had to watch her love buried in the endless earth. A month had past since she had smiled last.

Every night, Raven went to bed hoping to wake up from the nightmare she was living. Every morning, she woke up, expecting to find Robin training, making breakfast, sleeping, obsessing about Slade. Every morning, she went into more despair. Was this how Beast Boy felt when Terra had been turned to stone? She doubted it.

Raven had already checked all of her spell books three times for anyway to bring back a spirit. She even checked the dark magic spells. Nothing.


Beast Boy still tried to tell lame jokes, halfheartedly. Robin had always been like a big brother to him, it was hard to believe that he was gone. It was hard to think that he was with Terra in, well Beast Boy wasn't sure. It was hard for him to even think Terra was gone. How could he have lost his parents, his second family (well technically they weren't dead, but he barely ever heard from them), his first love, and his big-brother and still keep fighting. He amazed himself sometimes.


Cyborg would work on the T-car every morning. Then he'd see Robin's motorcycle sitting in the corner. Sometimes he'd work on the bike, pretending Robin would still use it. It was hard, though, he'd lost his little brother, taken over his roll as leader, then to top it all off, he'd have to be the clear-headed one. Cyborg remembered the times he and Robin had fought and Cyborg quit the team. He felt so stupid about doing that now. You never know what you have until it's gone. The hardest part was comforting Raven. Raven was by far worse than Starfire. Cyborg hadn't realized she had a crush on Robin until the day he died. Cyborg was losing all hope that the team could continue.


Starfire tried to stay happy, she really did, but losing Robin, it just made her feel dead too. She was still numb after a month. She was becoming less useful in battle as the numbness took over. She had lost the ability to fly when Robin died. She half-heartedly cooked. The only time she didn't feel numb was when she was taking care of Silky. Silky was now her happiness and nothing in this cruel world would hurt him.


Raven had decided to visit Robin and Terra. When they were debating about where to bury Robin. Starfire (or was it Beast Boy?) Had suggested burring him there. It was their best choice, so now that cave was a Teen Titan graveyard. Raven remembered wondering if Robin had any family, other than the Titans, left, she doubted it then and she still did.

She had bought two bouquets of flowers on her way. She placed one at Terra's feet and faced the gravestone beside the statue. She placed the flowers down as tears started spilling out of her eyes. "I-I know it's been a month," Raven sobbed, "but I just can't believe you're gone. You-You always seemed like the least likely person to die. We- all the Titans still miss you. And not j-just us four, every single Titan, even if they didn't know you well. I-I wish you were here. I never got to tell you that I love you." Raven cried until she couldn't cry anymore, luckily only some stalagmites exploded. Once she had run out of tears, she laid on the cave floor, wishing that she could do something to bring Robin back.

As she lay there, she remembered the chances she had to see Robin's eyes. She could have taken off his mask anytime before they buried him, but she didn't. She didn't want to see his lifeless eyes staring at her, never blinking, never seeing anything beautiful again. No, she'd rather have the mystery. She couldn't help but wonder what color they were, though. Green, like Beast Boy? No she couldn't see that. Grey, like Cyborg's single eye? No it just didn't seem right. Brown, like the very ground he was buried under? No, defiantly not. His eyes would be blue, like the endless sky, filled with new possibilities, and mystery. Robin's eyes were blue, the very opposite of brown. He was free now, like the sky and everything in the sky. It was time for her to let go. She just wasn't sure she could.


To say Bruce was mad would be like saying that the sun was hot. The sun was a blazing ball of fiery white heat. And that's what Bruce felt like. He had been paying attention to news reports and things like that to keep track of his adopted son, Richard John "Dick" Grayson, more commonly known as Robin, Boy Wonder and current leader of the Teen Titans. Why couldn't he find him? The Teen Titans had been showing up to battles without him for the last month. Bruce made his decision, even if Richard wouldn't like it. The Batman would be showing up at his Tower.


Cyborg eventually found Raven by Robin's grave and dragged her back to the Tower. Cyborg seemed to be the only one to have noticed her crush on the Boy Wonder. He had taken an even more of the big-brother roll since Robin died. Raven wasn't sure how he managed to remain so calm. Even Beast Boy wasn't himself since Robin had died. Cyborg must have learned Robin's way to keep his cool.

When they arrived back at the Tower, Cyborg told everyone to go into the main room. Beast Boy was already there and Starfire was playing with Silky in her room. Starfire had brought Silky with her when Cyborg told her about the meeting. That worm went everywhere with the girl now; Silky just reminded Raven of Robin because of Kitten and Killer Moth. No one sat where Robin would have sat.


Cyborg was standing in the middle, where all the Titans could see him. He had been dreading doing this, especially because of Raven, but it had to be done. "If we can't let go of Robin, this team is over. We're failing to protect the city. If we can't protect the city, then there's no reason for this team." All of the Titans looked surprised. In the distance something blew up.

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