"I like my life." I pushed him off of me, "I don't need a respectable woman."

"I hear that." Finn gave me a high five and we climbed into one of Dad's cars that we just happened to pluck out of the garage. He had the most extensive collection I had ever seen so it wasn't any skin off of his nose if we took some of them for a joy ride sometimes.

"Do we have time to go to the penthouse and shower?" I asked as I sat in the back. Finn drove and Keegan just fucked with the radio.

"No, we can just do it when we get to the house. We have to drop the car off anyway."

Finn pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the crowded, late afternoon highways of Chicago. We passed all the colleges and universities that all the rich kids attended and I huffed a little sigh of annoyance or maybe it was jealousy.

I had never really had the opportunity to be a kid or a regular college student for that matter. From the time I learned about this life when I was about ten, I knew that organized crime was what I wanted to do. From then on, my life was kind of fast tracked and I never slowed down to just be...normal? I guess that's the best word to use for it.

In college, I didn't really party or do anything fun. That was Finn and Keegan's domains. I was more focused on getting out of school so that I could get back to life behind my father. I didn't have time to waste away with frats and drinking games. That wasn't to say that I didn't have my share of fun while in school but it wasn't an everyday type thing.

I was more like my father in that way. I was more business when it called for it and even in a "laid back" atmosphere, I was always tense. I didn't like showing people outside of the family that I could laugh or had emotions. It made me seem weak in my eyes so I stayed cold and hard.

The only time I did appear to be some form of a human was when I tried to pick up girls. I knew the affect I had on women. My bright golden eyes, my bronze hair, sculpted body, angular face; it was all like a magnet for anything with a vagina. I wasn't being cocky but I'm just pointing out facts. I usually didn't have to do anything if I went into a club or bar. I let the women come to me and then, with one crocked smile or hand-to-thigh contact, I was in. The rest of my night would be filled with fun sex and adventurous pillow talk.

I didn't have the energy to actually spend any time with women other than the instances I was fucking them because I had better things to do. I didn't want anything like what Keegan had with Bridget because that just seemed like too much work. Plus, I was one who always had to be in control and I wasn't going to be run by some little bitch who thought she could change me. That wasn't how I worked.

It wasn't that I didn't know how to do romance but what was the point? I didn't want any girls sticking around long enough for that. I was a gentleman when it came to women so I guess I did have some kind of soft side to me but I hated showing it. I just couldn't get my mother's teachings out of my head.

Hold the door for a lady.

Pull out her chair.

Never use curse words.

Blah, blah, blah.

"Justin, are you listening to me?" Finn shouted.

"Do I ever?" I replied sarcastically.

He just glared at me in the rear view mirror.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I was saying that Kennedy is going to be at Ma's dinner on Saturday."

"Shit." I said furiously, "Why?"

"Because, Dad says we have some business to deal with and the Anthis' have been invited to dinner." Keegan rolled his eyes.

There Will Be Blood (not mine)Where stories live. Discover now