"He'd be okay once you leave him"

Harry shakes his head leaning back in his chair, "I'm not afraid of you"

"You should" Liam glares at him then leans back in his own chair slowly, "You're going to do what I say if you know what's good for you"

Harry snorts, "And if I didn't?"

Liam smirks, "You have a sick mother, Harry. I believe Zayn had paid for her treatment a while ago?" Harry stays silent so Liam's smirk grows "It's be a shame if her treatment stopped. Zayn might have paid for it, but it's still under my name. The sources he used are mine, and neither you nor him can stop me"

"I don't need your fucking money, never did. I can handle it my own"

"How? I can make you lose your job right this instant. And don't think about applying elsewhere, I can track you down. And believe me, I can make everyone fire you before you're even hired. Don't play with fire, Harry. You'll get burnt"

Fuck Liam, and fuck his money. No wonder Zayn is drifting away. But Liam got him cornered. Liam puts a set of keys and a piece of paper on the table between them, "I expect him to be there by tomorrow" He stands up and leaves. Harry takes a deep breath leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. This is too much. He didn't apply for this.


"That bastard. That's why I hate all those rich bitches" Louis hisses.

"What do I do, Lou? I won't be able to pay for her treatment if I stopped working-"

"Actually, there are still some underground jobs" Harry glares at him, "Just saying"

"And you're saying that he can't get to me there? Louis, rich people are the ones who keep them running"

"Yeah, even the authorities can't help you in that" Louis sighs, "Just move him there, you can still go visit him, you know"

"Doubt it" Harry mumbles, "He doesn't deserve this, Louis" Harry sighs. Liam is breaking Zayn more and he's not sure if Zayn can take more damage than he already is.

"Harry, Zayn is just a guy. A married one. He lived like this for two years, I think he already got used to this life. Your mother on the other hand, needs you" Harry looks down. Zayn did live like that for too long, but he can't force himself to put him back in that horrible situation once more, what would make him different? He'll be the cause of him hurting and the mere thought of it hurts him. But Louis is also right, He can't cause the death of his own mother, the one that cared for him for his entire life.

He knows it isn't fair. That he's probably killing Zayn from the inside. But he'll find a way. He'll find a way.


"What?" Zayn blinked at Harry.

Harry came back home and took him to some house without talking so much. And now that he's inside, Harry is handing him the keys.

"You need ... space. Like ... alone. You know, to think about this whole ... situation" Harry avoided his gaze and looked around the house.

"How did you get this?"

"Um, I've been saving up" Harry says slowly, not really knowing how to come up with a proper lie. "Look, I'll stay in touch, okay? Anything you need just call me" He walks quickly towards the door to avoid hearing more questions from Zayn and he's glad Zayn isn't following him. He doesn't want Zayn to think that he hates him, but Liam made it obvious that he wants Harry completely out of Zayn's life.

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