The Mysterious Love Story

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I'm once a lover with full of love in me but the love I gave was not enough. Thoughts running through my mind here at my room alone with full of sorrow. I carry the pain and that pain put scar in my life. Every day I wake up like a zombie and study like a menopause woman because of the bitterness I have in my body.

Now, I'm standing at the middle of the road near the school. I see the boy who broke me into pieces with a slutty girl. They're lips are united like there is a glue in it. I run as my tears flowing down in my face. I don't care if I look a crazy girl running with tears. I run and run until I bump a guy, a very white fine skin, and cold, with ash color of his eyes that captivate me to stare at him in seconds, no minutes.

"Staring is rude, beautiful." His cold voice answered that bring me to the reality. I look around and a puzzled expression is written in my face. I don't know this place, gosh! I'm lost!

"Yes, you're lost and I'm going, I have important things to do that wait you to go back in your sense." What an arrogant guy he is. He turns his back at me and walks away.

Meanwhile, I realize that I am following him with no reason. I just want to go with flow of my feet.

"Still following me?" He said in not looking back at me. "I'm not following you, Mr. Arrogant." I answer as he continues walking.

"Don't deny it, Miss Beautiful. It's dangerous for you to walk in this kind of place so go home." Is he serious? Going home? Gosh, I'm lost! "Ouch!" He intensively grabs my hand and pull me in the corner of the street.

"I'll bring you home and don't ever come back here." He said but I aggressively answer. "No! I want to be with you."

I don't know what's happening to me but I know there's no scar and I'm fully whole again. No heartache anymore. I love him, yes, you read it right. I have this feeling that I know him well, very well.

"You can't Yvonne, you're not like us." He knew me and there's a name just flashing in my head. He is Sebastian, my love.

"I want to, I want to be like you. Please make me like you. I know you can do it. Please for our love, Sebastian." I pled with my hands in his face.

"okay, okay." He wave my hair that block my neck and he slowly lean his face to my neck and bite it.

I woke up in this white bed with Sebastian. I'm in his arms again and no one will ever bring us a part. I smile as that thoughts flash through my head. I look at Sebastian that is peacefully sleeping at my side. This is the only thing I want you. "He is mine and mine alone."

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