Chapter 2

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"Honestly! Who does she think she is?!" Solange cried furiously, throwing her hands up in frustration and clear anger. Her best friend Ian was rubbing his hand up and down her back in an attempt to calm her down. They had just came back from lunch and had the unfortunate chance of running into Ian's irritating ex-girlfriend who he broke up with after realizing that he had no interest in the opposite sex. Honestly if a guy did that to her she'd be pissed too, but she would have handled it in a better way. That whore went and announced to all of her social media accounts that her boyfriend dumped her because he was gay. I mean who does that?!

"I'm calm, I'm calm" Solange took deep breaths and then leaned back exhaustedly on the couch. She was normally calm, actually she was probably the calmest person ever, next to her father but honestly that woman was so irritating.

"It's honestly okay Ange. The fact that she announced it just makes it easier for me since I didn't have to do it myself" Ah, her Ian. He always was the sweetest man, trying not to cause to much trouble with anyone and tries to make everyone get along. He was such a nice guy, which is exactly why she couldn't understand how someone could do that to him!

"I know but I just wish that she wouldn't have taken that right away from you. You should have been able to announce it when YOU were ready not because your bitch of an ex girlfriend had a fit of anger"

"Well it's all done and said, and we're all happy so let's just wipe our hands off of her, yeah?" Ian had been upset when the word leaked of his preferences but he felt thankful later because he probably would have held it out longer and not tell anyone else.

"Well as long as you are okay then it's fine. I have to go now, Dr.Loraine told me to go to her office a while ago." Solange kissed Ian on both cheeks and exited the room, curious as to why the CEO of the hospital wanted to speak to her. She hadn't done anything wrong, nor had she broken anything, or gotten arrested. As she pondered on reasons as to why she could not have been in trouble she had already made it to Dr.Loraine's office. She knocked twice and entered when a muffled 'enter' was heard.

"Ma'm you wanted to see me?" Solange put on her professional mask in front of her superior. Dr.Loraine was someone she highly respected and she did her best not to make a fool of her self in front of who she considered as her idol.

Reese Loraine smiled as she watched Solange. She was always fond of the girl and she was glad to be finally giving the younger woman something that she deserved.

"Dr.Winter, do you know why I have called you here today?" Reese smiled in amusement when Solange tilted her head in thought before shaking her head. Reese laced her fingers together in front of her and motioned Solange to have a seat.

Solange slowly sat down as if the chair was going to eat her alive. She went over her mental check list on all of the things she hadn't done so she didn't know why she was called. She hates surprises.

"So, Dr.Winter. You've been doing some really good work since you came to UCLA medical center and we truly do appreciate the work that you do everyday for this facility so I thank you for your hard work." Solange furrowed her eye brows. Thank you for your hard work? Was she getting fired?

"And because of that hard work I have decided to give you a 3 month vacation to Spain. Congratulations and thank you again for your hard work. Your flight leaves in two days." Dr.Loraine watched, pleased, as Solange's expression went blank.

"Wait. WHAT?!"
"Sweetheart are you sure you've got everything? Like your clothes, underwear, sunscreen, shoes-" Solange, her father, and her brothers rolled her eyes in exasperation as he mother fussed over her like she was still 5 and going on her first field trip.

"Mom, I'm going to be FINE. I've got this, this isn't the first time I've traveled you know." Solange's mother, Andrea, sighed and smoothed down her daughter's blonde hair.

"I know sweetheart but you can't blame a mother for worrying over her own child. It's instinct." Solange kissed her mothers cheeks and smiled at her.

"I know mom but I promise I'll be fine and I'll call you as often as I can." She promised her mother as she held on to her hands.

'Flight to Madrid, Spain boarding in 30 minutes' The airport intercom announced above her in the weird techy voice. Solange turned to face her family, taking a deep breath.

"Well, there's my call. I'll see you all in three months." She kissed her family on the cheek and waved as she dragged her luggage behind her.

Bright sun, gorgeous beaches, and delicious food. Here I come!

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