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He's been here for hours never mentioning anything about him, his home, or his brothers. Only asking questions about you, your school life, work life and love life.

"Do you have a boyfriend yet?" He asks while sitting cross legged on the floor with his head on his hands.

"No." You respond keeping your eyes away from his.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" He smirks raising an eyebrow.

"Now you're just being ridiculous." You say fiddling with your shirt. You feel a small breeze and look up to see him leaning into you staring into your eyes.

"Why are you lying? You can tell me anything." He says squinting his eyes.

"I'm not lying, I swear."

"Then what is it you're not telling me?" He asks hitting you with a fan.

"Where did you get that fan from?!" You ask astonished.

He only smiles. "You know, you are kinda cute when you try to change the subject."

"U-umm." You studder. The blush that had already came to your cheeks spread down to your neck.

"It's fine. Your food is done." He walks away sitting in the chair across from you.

"Thanks." You mumble getting up to finish your dinner.

"I'll finish it. You sit down. You had a long day, I can tell." He says with a small smile.

You return his smile and mutter a small "Thanks." his way. "And if your hungry, go ahead with the food." You say as you escape to take a shower.

After the hot shower, you dress quickly and join Tenka in the living room.

"You eat already?" He just shakes his head no.

"What's up? Is there something wrong?" You ask leaning close to him.

He looks up suddenly. "Oh I'm fine. Just thinking." He pauses. "How would you feel about staying with me for your summer break?" He adds with a giggle.

"Umm Tenka, I don't know about that. I'll probably have a ton of work to do..." You trail off sliding away from him slowly.

"The guys miss you alot and we could show you around all over again. It would be so fun! Cmon, I know you want to." He pokes your cheek teasingly.

"Umm I don't know, I'll think about it."

"Don't think too long. Break starts in a week."

"How'd you-" He puts his finger to your lips softly.

"Shh. Just don't take long to think. Follow you instincts like I showed you. Remember? Your heart knows what's best~" He smiles and gets up.

"I'm gonna go to bed now, you should too. Don't stay up too late." Tenka throws up a peace sign and heads towards your bedroom.

You just stay sitting in the same place, going through the whole day in your head.

"How did he find me in the first place?" You ask yourself and climb on the couch. Before you drift off to sleep completely. Tenka brings a blanket throws it over you gently. From the corner of your eye, you see him release a sigh accompanied with a small smile.

You think of your old memories with him and snuggle with the blanket reliving them all in your head.

Tenka One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now