The Spirit of a Prankster

Start from the beginning

Sirius's lightbulb went off at that. "You're right," he said, excitedly. "There's far better ways to exact revenge."

"I dunno if I meant exact a revenge by that," James said, looking nervous, "I just meant --"

"Sshhh," Sirius held up his finger, smooshing James's lips into silence with his index. "Genius is at work here, actively geniusing is happening as you look on." He lowered his hand from James's mouth and pressed his palm against his forehead.

"Sirius ---" Remus sounded hesitant, "What are you --"

"I feel the spirit of a prankster is upon me..." Sirius drawled in a TV evangelist voice, rapping his forehead, deep in thought. A grin broke out across his mouth. "Ah yes, and there it is! The spirit has brought forth the seed of idea! Hallelujah!" Sirius raised the palms of his hands skyward.

James laughed, eyes twinkling with admiration at his best mate, "Whatever this is... is gonna be bloody brilliant."

"Mr. Black -- I feel as though I ask you this each and every day -- where are your robes and school uniform?" McGonagall asked, sighing.

James laughed down at his textbook.

Sirius pointed to his head, "Well there's my tie." He'd tied his Gryffindor tie up into a knot 'round his forehead, the end of it trailing off like a tail along side his face.

"And the rest?" she asked.

"Well professor, see, I thought perhaps it might be a bit more interesting for you if I gave you something different to look at while you taught," Sirius said, "You know. A little flash of colour. A bite of pizazz to the room...?" He waved his arms at the t-shirt - which had a picture of a warning label emblazoned on his chest WARNING: The Tone of This Record is Unsuitable For Minors the shirt read in bold white letters on red fabric. He had his feet up on the desk again.

McGonagall stare at him.

He lowered his feet.

"If you don't start wearing the proper uniform to class --"

"Again. I have my tie."

"Yes, Mr. Black, you do. Around your head. It's only a little higher than it ought to be."

Sirius grinned, "See, now that's the spirit Professor Minney!"

She grit her teeth, "Mr. Black," she said in a warning tone.


"Your uniform. In it's proper place next class. I mean it."

"Yes, Professor Minney."

"It's Professor McGonagall, Mr. Black," she said firmly.

"Yes, Professor."

McGonagall rolled her eyes and turned her back to keep the amusement that was twitching her face from showing too much. She cleared her throat and pretended to be looking through her book to see where they were at, even though she knew perfectly well without looking. Finally, when she was sure she'd managed to compose herself, she looked up. "Are there any questions?" she asked.

Sirius Black's hand shot up.

McGonagall hesitated, but none of the other third year Gryffindors offered any alternative option, so finally, she asked, "Yes, Mr. Black?"

Sirius cleared his throat and sat up straighter. "I was curious... Are you good at juggling?"

McGonagall blinked at him. James snorted so hard his nose hurt as he stared into his book and Peter started giggling. Remus looked at Lily warily and Lily rolled her eyes.

The Marauders: Year Three | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now