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4 more days

Trigger: Alcohol (I don't und-- oh nevermind)

I woke up later than usual this week, and I was pretty relieved I didn't have to go to school it was already 12:20 and I couldn't handle the loneliness.

Luna: help I'm lonely

Tyler: me too

Spooky Jim Christmas: how are you lonely when we were just talking one minute ago Tyler

Tyler: I get lonely after one minute

Luna: that's me tbh

Luna: I have a question before school ends because Josh is coming over today

Luna: do you have Skype/FaceTime/Oovoo/any videoing calling app?

Tyler: we have FaceTime

Luna: I wanna surprise Josh with you guys so could that happen or something

Spooky Jim Christmas: depends what time

Spooky Jim Christmas: it's 1:25 where we are

Luna: I'm one hour behind and its in 3 hours so 4:00 for you guys

Spooky Jim Christmas: yeah sure

Tyler: but then I see what you look like

Tyler: I wanna wait until the concert

Luna: how about I block my camera when talking to you

Tyler: okay ❤️

Luna: welp I gotta go bye

Tyler: bye

Spooky Jim Christmas: adios muchachalata

Luna: you just called me punk

Spooky Jim Christmas: I didn't know what muchachalata meant

Luna: it's Spanish. I took Spanish class.

Spooky Jim Christmas: well bye lol

I set down my phone and headed to my mom to see what she wanted.

"Hey mom. What's up?"

"I need you to fold your laundry, take out the trash, and clean your room."

"Sure." I headed to the basement where the washer and dryer machines were, and grabbed all my clothes to fold.

After I was done with my chores, I sat on my bed, picking up my phone.

Josh: hey schools almost done and I'm texting in health class, when do I come over?

Luna: whenever you want. I have a surprise too

Josh: yay lol

Luna: see you

Laying my head on my pillow, I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

1 hour later

Knock knock.

"Luna? Luna Dawn Mayers, open your door right at this moment." Groaning, I slowly pushed myself out of my bed, opening my door. I soon noticed my mom and Josh.

"Oh my god, I forgot, I look horrible."

"I'll wait for you if you wanna fix yourself up."

"Thank you so much, Josh. Sit on my bed but don't touch anything. I'll be in the washroom." Quickly rushing out of my room, I ran into the washroom. I brushed my hair, put some foundation on my face, and walked back to my room.

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