Chapter 23

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I woke up to Stiles running his fingers through my hair. Groaning, I leaned into the touch. Knowing that two different packs would be here any moment was so stressful and I was trying to hide that from the pack. Internally, I'm freaking out. Deep down I know that we'll be able to sit down with Cora's old pack and have a civil conversation about the whole thing, maybe afterwards there'd be some issues, a few punches thrown but nobody would get seriously hurt. The other pack though, I know nothing about and I can't stop thinking the worst. This pack could come in with the goal to wipe out my pack completely just to get to Stiles.

"Stop thinking so much." Stiles said, leaning down to kiss me.

I relaxed a little, sighing when Stiles sat back up. "Sorry."

"Everything will be fine." He patted my chest. "C'mon, let's get breakfast."

I nodded getting up, watching Stiles roll out of bed. He stood by the door in his boxers and my t-shirt from the night before. His hair was a mess and I'm pretty sure there's drool dried to his face but god, he's so fucking beautiful.

"If you don't get up now, I'm not making you any pancakes."

I smirked getting out of bed, seeing him smile as he started to walk toward the stairs. As soon as we got downstairs he turned on some music and began to sing along as he cooked. I grabbed his hand pulling him toward me, his eyes flashed pink at me as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. My hands pulling him closer by his waist.

"You're being quite cuddly today." He said softly.

I kissed him, pulling away enough to rest my forehead against his. "Be my boyfriend." I said softly.

He gasped, "I'm not already?" He laughed. "That took you way too long."

"Is that a yes?" I asked, he nodded pecking my lips.

"But, I'm hungry so let me cook."

I let him turn back toward the stove, wrapping my arms back around him I rested my chin on his shoulder. Every part of me wants to claim him right now, but I can't do that.


"What can I do for you, Derek?" Deaton's voice rang over the phone.

"The Cambridge Pack threatened us."

"Do you know why?"

I sighed, "It got out that Stiles is an angel. I don't know what to do."

"I see." He said, "Well, I'm not very familiar with them so I don't know how to help you so much with that, although, I know how to get rid of the want over Stiles."

I waited for him to continue not getting anything, "Okay, and?"

"If you claim him he can't go to another pack."

"I don't know if that's something he wants though."

"Maybe that's a conversation you should have with him." Deaton sighed, "Remember Derek, he's feeling the same way you are. He might not know exactly what it is he's feeling but he's feeling it. He does want it on some level."

"Okay," I sighed, "Thanks."

The full moon's in two days, if this is going to happen, it needs to happen fast. But, how do I bring this up to him without him thinking that I only want to claim him to keep him in the pack, to keep him safe. That's not what I want, I want to claim him because he's my mate and I love him but that's not something I know how to say without possibly scaring him.

Stiles sat down next to me on the steps of the front porch, "Hi, boyfriend." He laughed.

I wrapped my arm around him, "Hi, babe."

"You're thinking again..."

"Yeah," I sighed, "We should talk."

Our Guardian AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz