Chapter one; Welcome to Gotham city

Start from the beginning

(On the way back from the restaurant)

My mommy turned on the radio to lessen to the news station.

"Breaking news

The Joker has been seen heading down town towards the Italian restaurant, called the taste of Italy, he is driving a purple mini limo......this just in, he is armed and dangerous...I repeat he is armed and dangerous, we caution anyone who is down there to get off the roads and find some kind of building to hide in until it blows over."

My daddy suddenly turned off the radio and my mommy moved in the back of the car to hold me.

I wasn't sure what was happening but my mommy and daddy started to scare me.

"James we need to get off of the road and go into a building like the radio said!!" My mommy said loudly, I could see the fear in her eyes and I didn't like the way she looked at me.

"Honey we don't have enough time....if I can get off of this street then we'll be fine!!" My daddy said worriedly looking at the road.

Suddenly out of nowhere I heard a loud banging sound ring through the streets, sirens went off near us. "Are you guys ok." My daddy asked looking at mommy and I. "James look out!!" My mommy screamed, she then grabbed me and held me tightly. "Mommy loves you.....remember that ok." My mommy said with tears in her eyes. Then everything went black.

(Waking up from the black out)

When I woke I was hanging upside down, I could hear my mommy and daddy screaming, I didn't know what was going on when I lifted up my hands I saw red sticky liquid all over them.

I reached for the belt buckle and unbuckled myself. I fell to the roof of the car and felt a sharp pain shoot throw my arm, I ignored it though and kept moving towards where my mommy and daddy last screamed. When I got to the front of the car I saw my mommy and daddy they looked to be sleeping with their eyes open. "Mommy wake up we need to go home.....mommy.....daddy." I said shaking them.

As I started to cry I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and start to carry me off. "NO NO THAT'S MY MOMMY AND DADDY LET ME GO....LET ME GO!!" I yelled smacking the person in the back, the person kept walking as he laughed a little bit. "Your a little fire cracker aren't you." A deep raspy males voice said.

"I hate you leave me alone....I hate you!!" I screamed angrily trying to make him let go of me, but before I knew it everything went black again.

(Waking up from the black out again)

When I woke I was in a dark room and I couldn't see anything. "Now darling don't say anything you'll regret." The same voice from before said with a chuckle.

I tried to get up but couldn't. All I could do was stare into the darkness that was around me. "What's going on?" I asked nervously.

Suddenly a bright light turned on right in my face and it was then that I realized that I was tied to a table.

My eyes widened from the fear that was taking over my thoughts, I didn't like being tied up it hurt. A man walked up to the table he wore no shirt and held two weirs in his hands, he had green hair and white skin with red lips and eyes that was surrounded by dark circles but they danced with different shades of beautiful blues, he also had drawings all over his body.

"Who are you?" I asked trying not to cry. He looked and me with no expression then gave me a huge smile and laughed a little bit. "My name is The Joker....but you'll call me daddy alright darling." He said with a smile.

I tried to get off of the table but wasn't able to. "Are you going to kill me like my mommy and daddy?" I asked with fear in my eyes.

He smiled at me. "...well darling I did not kill your parents I merely crashed into them and then stole their research then shot them for extra measure....but they where way dead before that....or at lest that's what I thought." He said then laughed. "I don't want to die." I said crying. He suddenly became serious. "Oh I'm not gonna kill you I'm just gonna hurt you really, really badly." He said as he moved the wires that he was holding towards my head. "Wait why!" I yelled wiggling trying to get free.

"Well no one really knows why I like to hurt people and to tell the truth I forgot why I like hurting people along time go...oh wait I remember because it's fun and  I can't have you like everyone else now can I, that wouldn't be any fun now would it, besides I always liked the thought of having a child like me." He said laughing at me. I looked at him with wide eyes. "You mean crazy like you?" I asked gently so I wouldn't upset him. He suddenly looked at me with an angry face. "No, good looking." He said as his face quickly turned in to a smile.

"Here we go." And that was the last thing he said before everything went black for the third time.

[Hi guys it's me, this is my first chapter so if you found it slow or anything I promise the next one wont be, please comment and share if you liked it....I swear I don't bite or hold grudges.....P.S next chapter will come out soon...Thank you for reading ;]

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