chapter 1

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A/N This is my first ever attempt at writing and hope that you will be patient.i know how I want my story to proceed but I am finding it harder to write than I thought please stick by me

Laura's week flashed by. She adored the class that she was teaching even if they were evil monsters.

When Saturday came round she had actually forgotten about the phone call and her promise.

Laura was woken up by a loud knocking on her door. She groaned and hid her head under the covers. she looked at her bedside clock it was only 8 in the morning.

It was way to early to get out of bed. She could pretend not to hear the banging at the door and decided to play ignorant. ' If she cant get to me she cant get me to do anything' she grumbled.

'Come on Laura get your lazy ass out of bed ' shouted Emma banging on the door. 'we're already late!'

'Go away; I have moved'

' Yeh right! Open up!!!'

Laura slowly dragged herself out of the bed and moved to the door opening it slightly; ' Go away Em its too early for your cheeriness'

'But not for doughnuts and coffee' holding out the offerings. Emma grinned saying 'Look here's breakfast now just hurry up and get ready everyone's waiting'

Laura smiled grabbing the coffee and turning to her bedroom to get ready

Both sisters rushed out of the door. Laura was worried how every one would react to her

Three years is a long time......

Everybody was there just laughing and messing around Laura could hear Charlie yelling at them 'Come we havent time for this we have a new routine and its tough

Laura smiled it was nice to see Charlie as if the last 3 years hadnt happened, She snuk up behind him and screamed in his ear. He jumped and twisted around ' YOU will kill me one day ' enveloping her into a hug.

She was pleased that someone was happy to see her but looking round she realised that not everybody else was. The rest of the group had stopped what they were doing and were staring at her shocked mouths open.

I didn't know that you were having a fly catching competition; get over it' she murmered

Come on Laura you knew that you would have this reaction; ;whispered Em

'Expected a reaction but not this awe inspiring silence' She grinned

'Come on lets start rehearsing ' Charlie shouted dragging the girls into the group.

After the initial shock the rest of the group carried on with the rehearsals with muted whispers Laura still felt uncomfortable but shrugged it off and started practising with the rest.

she wondered where he was; whether he still came to rehearsals or was it yet another thing which had fallen by the wayside with her.

After rehearsals Laura stood outside the studio chatting to Charlie

'I'm glad you came back it will finally put an end to all the gossip'

'I don't know look at the way they were staring; their faces would have been great to use as the holes on a crazy golf and we could put flexible hinges at their jaws to stop them hitting the ground' Laura giggled imagining the sight of the heads with jaws opening and closing each time they werehit by a golf ball ' and extra points if the ball goes for bulls eyes '

'Your back'

Laura stopped giggling on hearing his voice and turned slowly facing him. His hair was longer and there was no smile on his normally happy face. Staring at him Laura' s throat dried up; she didn't know what to say or where to look

'Hi how are you' he smiled at her 'its been a long time'

'Yeh too long...'

Suddenly another voice could be heard ' look what the cat has dragged in...'

Laura looked across and saw Dana 'nice to see you too' she murmered

'Havent you done enough what have you comeback for ' spat Dana whilst walking across to him and holding his hand ' We dont need you here!'

Laura looked from Him to Dana willing herself not to start crying. Maybe she hoped that he would defend her but his silence was worse. He just looked at her sadly and didntsay anything and Laura didnt have it within her to defend herself.

Suddenly she felt an arm go around her. She looked up and saw Emma smiling down at her.

'Dana get a life this isnt college where you can be a primadonna.Leave her alone'

'What's it about you sisters can't cut it if a bloke doesn't show any interest in you' Dana snapped back

'Dana honey we just aren't cut out for the high life like you, we know how revered you are in India' Emma retorted dragging Laura to the car. 'Charlie we'll see you at rehearsals next week'

Laura just stared at her sister after Emma drove off 'What was all that,,,'

'Well she is a such a cow....' Emma laughed

'What do you want to do for lunch Matt is out with a coupleof his mates and we are going to meet them at the club tonight' she asked.

Laura's phone rang and she answered it without looking at the caller ID. She stiffened and just listened to the voice on the other side . ' Fine I will be there' she said and ended the call.

'What was all that about' Emma asked curiously

'Nothing just the usual I've got to go'

Can I come ?'

Laura looked at her sister in surprise saying 'you have never wanted to before why now'

Emma shrugged 'its something I should have done a long time ago and seeing the way you were looking at him just now I was wrong; you still love him'

'It doesn't matter anymore he is with the Devil's spawn now'

'I said you loved not hated him. That is a fate worse than death and I think it is our duty as good citizens to make sure that he escapes the clutches of the she devil and is reunited with his one and true love even if he doesn't know that he needs saving!' Emma giggled

' What are you?.... a 5 year old?'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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