Chapter Three

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I walk out of my last class, wondering where the Cram School was held. Was it in the West Building? The Gregorian Hall? the main auditorium? I sighed and grab a passing upperclassmen, a third or fourth year, and wave my class schedule at her. 

"Hey, Do you know how to get to the Cram School?" I demand, frustrated.

" The what?" she asked, anxiously, trying to twist away but not unable to.

"The Cram School!?" I feel my voice swelling,

"Im sorry, I've never heard of it" she says, scared, "could you let me go?" she asks nervously.

I let go and storm away, about halfway down a hallway going nowhere in particular I notice Mephisto next to me. I turn to him and stop walking, exasperated. 

"How in Assiah do I get to this Cram School of yours??" I yell, " And what exactly IS it?"

He laughed, clearly amused at my frustration. "Simply insert your key into any door and walk through it. He chucked. I took my backpack off my back and roughly fumbled around inside of it until i felt the key ring. I selected the heavy bronze key that neither unlocked my dorm nor the door my father used. 

"This one?" I ask sharply, holding it up.

"Yes, That one." he replies. "As for your other question, Cram School is the true purpose of this academy. It is the underground school to train the next generation of Exorcists." he explains. "Not all people were raised the way that you were." his eyes narrowed. " I'd say you don't need the Cram School, but I believe you'll find it interesting to witness."

"Fine" I roll my eyes. I mastered the Meisters by the time I was six. I stab the key into the door of an empty classroom and push it wide, revealing a corridor lined with stained glass and velvet. I turn back to Mephisto. who is standing behind me looking like a cat who's just cornered a canary. "Lead on, Demon" I snort, mocking him and pretending to be a doorman.

"This way" he says cooly, strolling through the door and into the hallway, striding down it so fast I have to slam the door shut and nearly jog to keep up with him, before he suddenly stops in front of one of the identical doors along the hall and opens it. "After you" he says darkly.

I step through the door of the classroom to see that only a few people have arrived. Three boys are having an intense conversation about the scripture used to vanquish ghouls, and a girl with short, light-brown hair sits by herself at a table near the front. I sit down at the table behind hers and she turns around and regards me shyly though her bangs.

"Hi" I say warmly, "What's your name?"

"Im Sheimi." she says softly, "and you?"

" Im Hikura" I say,  and hold out my hand for her to shake. She doesn't take it.

Before I have a chance to continue my conversation, another girl with long,  purple hair and dark red eyes pushes through the door and sits next to Shiemi.

"Who are you?" she pokes the question rudely, as if I've already offended her.

"No one to you, Dot" I say, noticing her small, triangular eyebrows.

"This is Hikura, Izumo" Shiemi says quickly, obviously hoping to hold off an argument.

"Nice too meet you short stack" Izumo says nastily.

My knuckles tighten under the table. I'm the shortest in my family, and a soft spot usually resolved by punching the offender in the face... something I cannot do in class. So I smile. "Can't wait to have class with you, Dot."

"Its Izumo, she says, turning away.

"Sure, Fox." I mutter, looking down at my table, I hear her chair scrape as she whips around to look at my lowered head. I raise my head enough for her to see my smile. Something in my eyes makes her pause, and I smile wider. Her eyes widen at a sudden realization. I'm sure my pupils have elongated and my irises almost pure gold, with only a few threads of their natural brown.

"Your'e not..." she stutters.

"You're right, Fox. I'm not." I say slowly, Making sure my point is across.

"Alright Class, lets get started then" I hear a familiar voice from the front of the classroom, and immediately the group quiets down. 

I look up and see that our teacher is Yukio, one of the Okumura twins. All right, I think, I wonder how this will work. He's the same age as the class?

As Yukio is calling the class to order and taking attendance, the other Okumura slides into the seat next to me, tail curling around his legs. "Sorry about breakfast." he says quickly, at the same time pulling out a hairlip and securing his bangs back.

"No problem Demon." I say, a dark smile forming on my lips.

"Could you just stop calling me that?" he says annoyed, already seeming to lose his calm demeanor.

"Nah." I say, internally laughing at how quickly his temper could flame up.

His ears grew slightly longer as his anger formed. A small, blue, flame ignited at the tip of his swishing tail, the size of a candle flame. Woah. I felt my eyes widen slightly. Well, that explained a lot. I recognized those flames. So blue.

"Rin." Yukio said in a warning tone.

Rin didn't drop my gaze. I got the feeling that the rest of the class was watching our exchange as well. I slowly brought one of my hands up in front of me and snapped, the sound echoing though the room slightly longer than it aught to. Rin's flame went out. HIs jaw dropped as he realized what I had just done, as if he could feel the absence of his flames. I couldn't help smiling as I reached over and closed his mouth before turning towards the front of the classroom. Yukio regarded the situation with emotionless eyes, but I could sense anger and confusion boiling just under the surface. His ears were now about an inch longer as well. He cleared his throat.

"All right class, before we get started today, we have a new student." he said formally, "Hikura Tenshi please stand up and introduce yourself"

I stood up slowly, feeling the eyes of everyone on the room around me. "Hello." I greeted the class. "I'm Hikura Tenshi." I wondered what else to say. "I come from an overseas school for exorcism and have decided to transfer to True Cross."  a few whispers made there way to my ears, and one person coughed, but other than that the room stayed silent as a tomb. Izumo's eyes met mine and narrowed.

"Well then." Yukio broke the silence "I guess we can get started" he looked around. "Split into your respective miester groups and move to the training room. I want you all to use the program intermediate infinite and practice using your abilities. Arias, stay in the classroom and continue your memorization, Doctors practice with using baby greenmen to summon the plants needed for treating temptaints."  he paused. "Shiemi would you mind letting the Doctors use Nii?"

"No problem Yuki" Shiemi answered eagerly, the tiny, baby, greenman on her head squeaked "Nii!"

Yukio's eyes were back on me. "Hikura, What is your miester? 

"I'll practice with the Knights if you don't mind" I replied, eyeing the package on Rin's back, which looked to hold a sheathed sword.

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