Chapter 2

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I did as Fyira commanded and worked with my legion to use every big tree and little squirrel in Manhattan to our advantage. More importantly though, we were responsible to make sure that no civilians were killed, as we were trying to project a friendly message. Then again, how friendly is charging into one's land and occupying a major city? After our message to the organisms, or as we call them in Nyorakya (the Life Nation), Mng Taseu, we sat together in the middle of a street and chanted a Glyph that expanded over the island. This Glyph would keep the civilians safe from harm but still allow us to scare them a little. Several heavily armed men shot at us, but their bullets were caught by Guardian Spirits. Next, I answered the questions of any reporter who would be brave enough to approach me. One reporter asked me a question I was not expecting necessarily, but nonetheless dreading: "are you of Earth yourself? And if you are, please identify yourself?".


Fyira glided up like a feather in the wind as she approached the top of the spire that stabbed the sky. Her armor gleamed in the brilliant sunlight and her hair blazed furiously. The sight was both beautiful and terrifying, which both embody her. She placed both feet onto the spire and looked out on the horizon. She breathed in, and raised her arms to the sky, her fingers making an ancient symbol. Finally she whispered and let her arms drop. Her eyes faded into a hazy gray and she tilted her head up; the whole world watching on TV on the news. The atmosphere warped shape and a funnel formed as a chunk of the sky literally fell into a point. It was translucent so you could see a little bit of space through it and that was too much for some people to handle. Those that were faint of heart passed out as soon as they saw. The tip of the funnel washed over Fyira, briefly glowing dimly. The part touching her body seemed to ignite into gray fire and for a moment, the world was silent watching her there. Her Shenkai shined through the swirling atmospheric flames in a blinding white. She raised her hands again and made the same symbol as before. The swirling funnel slowly dissipated and she reappeared wearing a large white poncho with black insignias of all the elements surrounding a Shenkai symbol over a simple back jumpsuit. Atop her head, the Phawikaan looked as regal as ever. Today the horns were transparent, but that could change at any moment if the occupation did not go as planned and Fyira had to interfere. She had a calm look in her eyes and then, she spoke.

"Hello," she said as the sky rumbled, carrying her words across the globe, in every language. "I understand that some world leaders have issues with me; and that's fine. But it's not fine if they have an issues with the people of Arkhiya. Ever since, a few years ago when our existence was revealed, the fears that kept that secret came to pass. Some of us live amongst you but most of us live within the safety of our own borders. The few that do live in your neighborhoods, are innocent people and do not deserve to be feared or disrespected. Mine tone may sound peaceful now; but I shall not be peaceful with the nations that attacked Vasaiiya and hath killed hundreds and hath destroyed even more lives. The leaders of these nations wilt cometh to meet me and discuss their nations' dismantlement at once. In addition, we shall move henceforth on Earth toward a path of nonviolence and most importantly, non-discrimination. I will be waiting in Kamashee, the capital city of Vasaiiya, in three days to discuss these terms. I cannot wait for the joyous future that awaits you, as a united people that accepts everyone. Thank you for listening, and have a most wondrous day!" her last word seemed to echo forever, as the world watched in awe.

Suddenly series of lightning flashes cracked down from the heavens, and immediately teleported every last soldier off Manhattan.


Dang Fyira... I will never be able to go home now! Now I'll always be known as "that crazy lady's flamey headed, Peruvian body guard". I never even asked for any of this. One day, a couple years ago, I was in my tiny village, the next, I'm dragged off by two of my supposed fellow villagers because, and this is what they actually said: I am "special". They said that they observed that I had an "affinity and a talent for fire". I mean, maybe they saw me staring at the bonfire the way I do. They were right I guess; I did have a disturbing urge to touch it as a child. They told me that I would train with them in their magic and stuff. Like really? Me? The insignificant Quechua mountain boy? Little did I know, that that magic stuff would basically become my life. My parents, family, and eventually the whole village were then removed from their normal lives to join me in Yewngapia, the Fire Nation. Over time, I became one of the brightest pupils of the Leyewt, the very people that uprooted my normality. A couple months ago, I was tapped to be a candidate for the Shekdom of the Fire Nation. I ran for the office and was elected in by a large margin. I was then known as Ilaku Shekewnga; Ilaku, Minister of Fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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