He gets back into the apartment and closes the door behind him. He sits on the couch with the box on his lap and he stares at it for a long moment before he opens it. He finds his clothes that he gave Liam last night, his wallet, and his keys. He picks them up setting them next to him. There's an album inside the box as well so he takes it and sets the box on the floor.

The cover has 'Us' written on it and he opens the album. At the first page is Liam's handwriting 'Green, cuz it's your favorite color' He smiles turning the page. There is a photo of Liam's old house when he used to live with his parents, specifically the fire place. 'Do you remember that night? When we had a party and all of our friends were there. Then we played this game of guessing, and we'd complete each other sentences that people started calling us soul mates' That earns another smile from Zayn as he turns the page.

Next was a photo of him and Liam, a selfie. 'Do you remember that day? When you were too worried that your hair style got ruined and we didn't have any mirrors, we were near a lake and your phone battery died so you borrowed mine. You didn't realize that you turned on the video mode. You also didn't realize the way I was looking at you back then. It wasn't the first time, I was already in love with you' Zayn actually didn't realize that until now that he sees that photo that was taken from the video.

He turns the page and stops for a while. Liam didn't need to caption this, because Zayn could tell what exact memory they shared at that place. 'The place was indeed magical like you described it. But nothing could compare to you standing in the middle of it all. Beautiful as always' Their first kiss.

He turns the page again and bites his lip. 'I don't really need to remind you of that. But to me, it's always special. You're always special' It was Zayn's bedroom. The night when his foster parents weren't home and they got too intimate with each other. It wasn't Zayn's first, but Liam was very good.

He turns the page again and pauses. 'You might not know this, but I was too nervous to say it. It was a big step, but it was you. And there was nothing more that I wanted in life' Liam proposed to him at that place.

He turns the page and a tear falls on his cheek, 'You insisted on picking white lilies, and I wasn't going to protest, white was a good match with your skin. I wasn't going to say no to you anyway' Their wedding day. Liam allowed him to arrange the place however he wanted agreeing to everything he asked for saying it should be a pleasant memory for them to remember afterwards. But it isn't. They were getting a divorce. And the memory hurts.

He turns the page again and finds a drawing of a ring, his ring. Now that he noticed, Liam didn't return his ring. 'Zayn Javaad Malik. Would you marry me, again?' Zayn sighs closing the album. On the back cover there's an arrow pointing forward and he follows the arrow to land on the door. He takes back what he said before, Liam does know him very well.

He gets up placing the album aside and he hesitates before opening the door but when he does. Liam is there. Things aren't back to normal, Liam might have spent the while night making that album but it doesn't fix his broken heart. Zayn might've been blinded by love, but he can't just get back to Liam like that.

"I wanted to apologize for last night. I wasn't supposed to yell at you. And I apologize for every time I made you cry when I wasn't there to see it. I apologize for every time I let you down. And I know words doesn't fix anything, but I'm still madly in love with you ... Zayn I can't let you go" Zayn notices Liam's eyes are red, there are bags under his eyes, and he looks tired. More tired than he'd ever seen him.

Zayn takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a second, "I can't, Liam" he opens his eyes once more. "We make up and break up more than we should ... And I'm tired. It doesn't work"

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