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"Cindy darling hurry up or you are going to be late for school!" My mom yelled. I was tying my shoes, I've been awake since 5 in the morning. I already ate, showered, brushed my teeth, etc, etc. Now I'm on my way down stairs to greet my mother and father. My dad was getting ready to leave as for my mom she was preparing his lunch for today. I quickly said goodbye and went to off to school which was about 5 minutes from my house. Let me tell you a few stuff about me ONE I'm 17 years old, two I'm the only girl besides my mom, thirdly I have three older brother who are the leaders to our family gang. Did she just say gang? Yes, yes I did. Anyways the leader is my oldest brother Mark,second in command Nate, and finally the third in command is Adien.

Okay lets get back to the present. I make my way down the street that leads to school. I'm greeted by good mornings, hellos, and have a good day mostly from the people in the gang. I felt a buzz and see a text from my brother Mark.

Make sure you come home early we have guests.

I quickly answered with a Okay, and continue to make my way to school. In the corner of my eye I see a female dog and her pups being abused, I hate people like that. Me being me i decided to stop them. I feel my bodyguards follow me from a distance. It's a real shame that they think i don't know about them always around me. "EXCUSE ME!" I yell to catch the abusers attention. He stopped and looked at me with a glare, "What the fuck you want?!" Well then. "I'm sorry to interrupt but are you going to continue abusing these animals?" I asked dangerously low. "What is it to you if i do?" He smirks. Bitch. I looked up at him and punched him. I sent a quick message to Phil, my main bodyguard, to come pick up the dog and her pups and take her to the animal clinic. I smiled and pet each one and feed them my lunch.

I quickly rushed to school before the first bell rung. As i was running and idiot in a ford truck almost ran me over. I flipped him off and ran faster to school.

*****after school

I made it just in time to class and had a decent day, Phil texted saying that the dog and her pups were in safe hands. My brothers constantly reminding me to come straight home after school, like one of them wasn't enough to bother me. In school I'm pretty much on my own. It's either they are afraid or just annoying to talk to me. I like being on my own its relaxing and I'm a shy person another reason why people don't talk to me. I was making my way home when a familiar ford truck was spotted parked outside my drive way. UGGGGGGHHHH!! I quickly made my way to my house. Us being the second feared gang in America, we have guest meaning other gangs come visit.

I made my way inside. "Hey mom, dad, brotherrrrs why is everyone so sad." I asked when i saw my mom in tears and my dad and brothers trying to hold the tears back. "Okay sweetie just know we always love you and care about you. You are little baby." I looked at them with a confused look, "What are you talking about daddy?" To say I was scared was a major fact, before my dad could say anything a guy with tattoos on his neck and arms, lord Jesus he is HOT! "There is my fiance" He smirks. Gift from Jesus himself say what. I quickly turned my head towards my family.

"HAHAHAAHA Where are the cameras?! Okay nice one Adien. Me married pssssssh HA!" I said happily soon turned into tears, "Ya'll can't be serious HEY my stuff!!!" I yelled at guy with black hair and blue eyes, cute but no where near mister tattoos over there. "I'm sorry but Nick here has asked for your hand in marriage, and wants you to move in with him today." Mark explained. "Will I'm not going with death man over here." Nick sounds familiar. "Yes you are." Nick said. I turned towards him and glared at him while he kept that stupid smirk on him. "NO.......I....AM......NOT!" I said as i walked towards him. "Yes you are unless you want this little family gone." He threatens. Son of a bitch just threatened me. I saw him pull out a gun and point at my family.

Bitch. I turned to my family to see that Nick's men had their weapons. My mom crying my brothers with their heads low and my dad with tears in his eyes. His nightmare is about to come true. "Stop. I'll go with you." I whispered. I heard my mom's cry and saw my dad holding her. "You have three minutes to say good bye then we are off." That's when i remember Nick and his gang named Nights are the most feared in America they are higher then my family's gang. I went towards my family and said my goodbyes and hugged them. I walked to Nicks truck and got in ignoring him and his gang. "Hey I'm Case and this is Noah, Mike, and well you now Nick." A guy in the driver seat said. I smiled and nodded, but as soon nick walked in I kept a straight face on.

This how we were all seated: Case and Noah in the front Nick on my right side and Mike on the other side. I was getting hungry and tired. "So tell us about you Cindy." Case said looking at me threw the rear view mirror, he is the nice far, "Sure. My name is Cindy as you can tell and I'm seventeen years old way to young to get married. I love music and animals." I said glaring at Nick when I said married. He noticed and smirks, "My turn!" he continues, faggot, "My name is Nick and I'm eighteen years old a perfect age to get married. I own the biggest and most feared gang in America." He said. "Oh everyone is having turns I want to go!" Mike says happily. "My name is Mi- oh someone is hungry." He said when he heard my stomach growl, I blushed.

I looked away from everyone and I heard Case saying he is a bit hungry too and everyone soon agreed to stop at McDonald's. Soon as we got to the nearest one we decided to eat there and get to know me a little better. I sat next to Case and Noah and Mike and Nick sat on the other side. "Like I was saying. My name is Mike. I'm 18, I love chicks and fights." He said before biting into his hamburger. "Your turn Noah." Noah glares at him for talking with his mouth full. "Hey my name id Noah, I'm 18 and I like chicks with big tits and I'll shoot you if you annoy me." He says calmly. "Okay then, my turn. My name is Case, I'm 18 years old as well just like Noah I like girls with nice boobs and a big ass." I glared at my food nasty males. I look towards Nick and he was staring at a girls ass. Ugh Jerk. Wants me to marry him and he can't even respect. Fine two can play it that way, but not right now I'm lazy. The girl saw him staring and winks at him and sits with her friends that is right next to us.

I'm not going to lie that the other guys weren't staring either. The girl and her friends saw and did that finger gesture to come over. All the guys went almost pushing me off the stool. I look at the table and saw that Case forgot the keys. "Oh no Case the keys" I whispered so he couldn't hear me. "Oh well" I quickly rushed out to the truck checking if they were behind me and they weren't they were no sitting and the girls on their lap. Good thing that they parked the truck far so they wouldn't hear. I made a quick check to make sure they weren't looking and i turned on the truck. I made it to the road safely.

3 hours later

I was singing along to Work by Rihanna, maybe a little dancing here and there "Dry!... Me a desert him

No time to have you lurking

Him ah go act like he don't like it

You know I dealt with you the nicest

Nobody touch me, you the righ-" I stopped singing when I saw a SUV speeding towards me I look closer in the drivers seat and see it is a very angry Nick and over dramatic Mike, looks like he is yelling at Nick to slow down. Noah and Case had bored looks on. I quickly drove to an abandon road. Soon they were besides me and I could hear Nick saying Pull over. I learned a few tricks from Adien. I removed my foot from the gas and shifted to reverse where I quickly made a reversed U turn. Then I shifted to forward and drove back on the road i was previously on not after i saw Nick slam on the brakes and Mike scream. Ha! That's what they all get.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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