"Julia..... julia...." She choked in between sobs. Her body shook even more.

I began crying too. I couldn't take it anymore. "What's wrong with Julia?" I asked, trying to keep myself together and sound stern. Mimi looked over at me and sat up, wiping her face a bit. "She's... she's...... dead." Mimi sobbed into my shoulder. 

I felt like I had just ran into a wall. I didn't know how to react.

"John?" Mimi asked. I just nodded. I felt like I would break if I did anything else. I felt Mimi's quivering hand wiping tears from my face. It was then that I realized that I was crying. 

"John, we can get over this." Mimi said, calmly, regaining her stature. 

"I don't want to Mimi!!! Don't you understand?! You just told me that me mum's dead and you suddenly think that I can get over it?!" I yelled at her. I stood up and turned roughly,  slamming  my fists into the door. I threw a couple of punches and kicks at it before running up the stairs, knocking down a picture frame as I banged into the wall.

I threw my door open and slammed it shut behind me. I lept onto my bed and threw my guitar onto the floor with all my might. I lay on my bed with my face in my pillow as I wept. 

*End of flashback*

I wiped the fresh tear off of my cheek as I finished playing the song. I took a sharp intake of breath to calm myself down. 

I had absoloutly nothing else to do, so I began picking a different melody on the guitar. 

This doesn't sound half bad... 

I continued picking it, so I could remember it. I just needed lyrics now...

Lets see... 


Dear... Dear... Prudence!

I grinned, satisfied that I was writing a song for Prudence at last. I sat there, completely puzzled as to what to write next. I began brainstorming idea's that might inspire other lyrics. 

She won't leave her tent... and she must be bored in there...

"Won't you come out to play" I sang along to the picking.

"Dear Prudence greet the brand new day" I sung, smiling because this was coming along nicely. 

I chanted the words in my head as I ran to my tent to get a notebook and pencil. I scribbled what I had so far onto a sheet and jogged back to my place at the tree. 

I read my notes to see what I should do next.

I should bribe her to come out... I thought, smirking evilly. 

I quickly scribbled some notes on how beautiful the day was on the other side of the paper. 

I began picking the song again. "Dear Prudnce. Won't you come out to play? Dear Prudence. Greet the brand new day" I sung along. I paused for a moment to think. "The sun is out, the sky is blue, it's beautiful..." I paused, not sure what to say next. I smirked before continuing "and so are you. Dear Prudence. Won't you come out to play?" I smiled brightly since I was so proud of this not-yet-finished-song.

"I need some help with this..." I thought aloud.

Paul's not here though! Ringo doesn't write songs AND he's not here either... "George!" I nearly yelled. 

I walked over to his tent quickly, my guitar, notebook, and pencil in hand. I stood awkwardly outside the tent. I couldn't knock on the tent, but what if he is doing something? I shrugged and unzipped the tent, too eager to show him the song than to care if he was busy.

"Hey John." George said, turning around since his back was turned. 

"Uh, hey George." I said, shuffling into the tent. "So I wrote this song... I need a bit of help and an opinion on it though. Since Paul isn't here anymore, I was wondering if you could help?" I more demanded than asked. 

"Sure." George said, nodding his head, gesturing me to start.

"Dear Prudnce. Won't you come out to play? Dear Prudence. Greet the brand new day. The sun is out, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you. -" 

"-John, you cheeky bastard" George joked, nudging me. 

I chuckled before finishing the song. 

George paused. "I like it." He said simply. "Can I add an intro though?" He asked, eagerly taking the guitar from my lap. He plucked many different patterns. He pasued after 5 to think. He looked up, his eyebrows scrunchd in thought. "Oh!" He exclaimed before plucking yet another pattern.

"That's the one." I said, without thought. It fit in with the song perfectly. 

"Thanks George!" I exclaimed, writing down what George had just done.

"Any time John!" George said, smiling.

I crawled out of the tent with my arms full and walked over to my tent. I plopped everything in the tent before jogging over to where Prudence's tent was.

"I have a surprise for you, Prunes!" I said in a singsong voice. 

"Don't you dare call me that again!" I heard her whine from inside the tent. 

"Why not?" I asked, smirking.

"Because i refuse to help you to poo better!!!" She said. 

I doubled over in laughter. "What's the surprise?" She said, trying to sound snappy but coming across as more curious.  

"You'll find out... tomorrow!" I said, sounding a bit mischevious. 

"John" She whined. 

"I have to go now, have a lovely rest of your day ladies and gentlemen!" I said as if I were talking to a crowd. 

"Good riddance." She replied, obviously joking. I chuckled before smiling devilishly. 

"Talk to you later... Prunes!" 


Okay, so I realize that it wasn't that great, but bear with me!!!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER!!!! This time, I really have no excuse! I was just dreading this chapter for some reason! Thank goodness I got that out of the way!!! 

So, the story is going to end soon, unfortunatly. I don't plan on doing a sequel either, this was planned to be just one book. 

So.. yeah! I hope all of my eggmen are haveing great days!!!!!  :)

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